Renew 3D Print Winter Wk 4: Testing!

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

This week we did more testing! When testing the spooler, we realized that the plastic is not hot enough to extrude. Any temperature at which the plastic melted showed that the PLA was stretching and thinning out. Tried to add a base between extruder and spooler, but plastic would stick to surface. We also tested different types of shreds: finer …

MPOWRD Winter Week 4: Sponsor Selection

lawrence.hipolito Project Achievements, 2016-2017 Manual Patient Operated Wheelchair Rehabilitation Device

This week, we selected the sponsors that we needed to manufacture MPOWRD. For the tube bending of the frame, we chose Tube Technology. This small company helped create the lever arms. Due to the very small size of the company, there was very limited information on the company history available on the Internet. For the power coating frame, we chose …

Week 4 – Project X

snmoreno 2016-2017 Integrated Pet Feeder for Health and Wellness

The housing has been redesigned, it has been made larger and with an additional tube for the food dispensing has been incorporated to provide the supplement cartridges with more space so that they can be placed above the food bowl. Ideally, we will have four supplement cartridges each being 30 mL, the food storage compartment is to hold 3lb to …

Week 3 – Project X

snmoreno 2016-2017 Integrated Pet Feeder for Health and Wellness

This week materials for the production of prototypes have arrived, each group member will initiate the production of their subsystems. Subsystem one, she has begun by modifying the manual food dispenser. The two main components are the food storage container and a motor. The food dispenser mechanism has begun testing and was found to dispenses ¼ cup with some error. …

Winter Week 3: Slow Steps to Improvment

louieaj 2016-2017, Project Learning, 2016-2017 UAV Forge

This week, UAV Forge has begun working to improve their organization and task-management system. With a progress discussion with the UCI Senior Design Project management, we were motivated to improve our work by addressing the lack structure we have in this project. As they say, you’ll only get what you put in. So we are working hard to accomplish our …

Renew 3D Print Winter Wk 3: Design!

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

Over the weekend prior to week 3 the S.P.A.M. team came back from retreat in Carlsbad. The team definitely knew each other on a personal level and became ready to tackle the rest of the quarter! Coming back to UCI, the team designed, 3D printed, and tested a new mesh that will be installed to the bottom of the grinder. …

Renew 3D Print Winter Wk 2: Grinding Through Week 2

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

The outcomes and objectives from our team’s Week 2 workshops revolved around performing some trial tests with our current plastic grinder setup as well as benchmarking different laser diameter controllers for the extruding process and spooling process. The first grinder tests were done as the baseline tests to see how well the grinder would perform as is. For the first …

Renew 3D Print Winter Wk 1: Making 3D Printing Environmentally Sustainable

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

Hello everyone! We are excited to be a part of the MAE 189 community. We are a team of environmental, mechanical, computer, and electrical engineers as well as art students that have been working for almost two years on developing a system to recycle plastic waste into useable filament. Our external website can be found at: Know more about …