Autonomous Boat Week 6 Update

pcanler 2016-2017 Autonomous Boat

Autonomous Boat Week 6 Update It’s week 6 and the team is continuing the construction of the powertrain systems. The goal is to have the craft finished by the end of this quarter so that it can complete its journey from California to Catalina. We have everyone working on their own respective parts and the categories below best summarize the …

Week 5 Updates

KTLUU1 2016-2017 Efficiency of Aquatic Locomotion Using Flippers

For the past week, Timothy and Alejandro have been building the test bed. Bon and Damian have been drafting more designs for the fins. At last week’s team meeting, Professor Tryphon made suggestions for the fin designs, pictured in this blog. We plan to cut out part of a snorkeling fin and test the different fin shapes to see which one is more …

Week 5 – Wrist Exo

Hieu Nguyen Uncategorized

The first hand mold was bad, so we made another one. The shipping process slow things down. However, the result is quite satisfying to us. The goal for next week will be finishing 3D scanning. We contacted Dolan about 3D Scanning about this. I’m sure it will be done before the Mid Review.

MPOWRD Winter Week 5: Technical Drawings/Parts Acquisition

lawrence.hipolito Project Achievements, 2016-2017 Manual Patient Operated Wheelchair Rehabilitation Device

This week, we completed the technical drawings for the level arm. We based our drawings from the cardboard prototype that we did last quarter. From this, we realized that the L-shaped lever cannot complete its full motion, moving forward and backward to push the wheel, at a certain point along its motion path. Thus, we attempted to design an optimal …

Week 5 Setbacks

kwilllia 2016-2017 AFRL Thermal Orientation Test Bed

With the onset of midterms this week, our team worked on what we could to make progress on the project. The manufacturing team has been researching vacuum compatibility for some of our parts along with designing mounts that will help the overall safety and functionality of the machine. Unfortunately, we had a failure on the electrical side of things which …

Week 4: Slow progress, Task-Management Works

louieaj 2016-2017, 2016-2016 UAV Forge, 2016-2017 UAV Forge, Sensor solution

UAV Forge has made a task timeline to help synchronize each of the team’s progress. It’s a definite eye-opener on where the work is being down and why some teams are behind in their tasks. Week 4 is another result of slow progress. The Propulsion team has assembled and tested the plane’s 2nd motor. They encountered an unusual balancing issue. …

Helicopter DBF Week 4

zzou1 2016-2017 Helicopter DBF

During this week, our project is finalized with the control design perspective instead of the aerodynamic design. Beside that, our helicopter DBF team has: 1. Received the pixhawk and started on learning the interface of the pixhawk. We have never had any experience in pixhawk or even setting up a control system. Hence, we seeked advice from a PhD student …

Autonomous Boat Week 5 Update

pcanler 2016-2017 Autonomous Boat

Autonomous Boat Week 5 Update It’s week 5 and the team continuing the construction of the powertrain systems. The goal is to have the craft finished by the end of this quarter so that it can complete its journey from California to Catalina. We have everyone working on their own respective parts and the categories below best summarize the overall …