Mar 13, 2016 I’ve got the power!

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

Remember that song? I remember it. I forget the rest of the lyrics (I could Google it, but where is the fun in that?). Approximately a month ago we receive a couple of solar panels from one of the professors in charge of our research project. We’ve decided, in addition to the bikes, we want to integrate this energy source. …

Week 4 Mechanical Aid for Traction on Ice

zejianc 2016-2017 Project X-Ice Traction

This week we are going to focus on the detail design for the four bar linkage and the flip mechanism. One of our team member Ban Lan is working on his special design where he worked last quarter. Four bar linkage design now has a better design concept and improvement on its motion. The achievement is that we now replace …

Sensor Solution Week 1 -3 Update

wangrh1995 Sensor solution

Our team aimed at designing a wearable sensor for the UV and air pollution to protect the health of human beings. In the fall quarter, our team completed the sensor circuit design, Programming on the MCU and Wireless communication from the MCU to the laptop. During the week 1-3 of this quarter, our team is working on the mathematic modeling …

Week 4 Autonomous Boat Update

pcanler 2016-2017 Autonomous Boat

It’s week 4 and the team is in full swing of the construction of the boat. The goal is to have the craft finished by the end of this quarter so that it can complete its journey from California to Catalina by the second week of March. Because last quarter was all about research and design and this quarter is …

Krobohand – Week 2 & 3: Tensile Test Results

2016-2017 Krobohand, 2016-2017

These past two weeks focused on adapting the finalized finger design for tensile testing in the Instron machine. Once we had our adaptation printed, we were able to successfully run a series of four tensile tests with the help of the Engineering Tower Lab Manager, Steve Weinstock. We tested a single tolerance design of 0.45m, four times, and averaged the …

Solar Airplane Winter Quarter Week 4

btheilac 2016-2017 Solar Airplane

Hello readers, The project has been following the set time line adequately and will begin manufacturing in the coming week. The biggest challenge for the project is safety of our members when operating machining equipment and handling carbon fiber. Our Safety Officer has compiled a list of safety supplies to be purchased for our members to use in our lab …

Winter week 3

Hieu Nguyen 2016-2017 Wrist Exoskeleton

The molding package has arrived. We did finish the order from machine shop at Physical Science Building. Fortunately, the order has been finished and we will go pick it up on Monday. We will finish the hand molding on next Tuesday of week 4 and the 3D Scanning on week 4. The bars and linkages, after a group meeting, will …

MPOWRD Winter Week 3: Revised Timeline/Budget

lawrence.hipolito Project Achievements, 2016-2017 Manual Patient Operated Wheelchair Rehabilitation Device

This week, we put together our schedule for the quarter. The goal is to manufacture and create a prototype of the wheelchair rehabilitation device that can be detached from the wheelchair and transported independently. The timeline is as follows: For week three, our plan is to deliver the drawings to the tubing fabricator. For week five, we expect to receive …

Configuration and First Test

npereir1 2016-2017 Recue Robotics Challenge

This week, we finally got our CARLorado robot moving under Bluetooth control. Early in the week, we had all downloaded Android Studio and begun to make sense of the program and the sample codes we were given. It took a lot of google searching, but eventually we were able to make sense of all that was happening, and downloaded the …