Over the weekend prior to week 3 the S.P.A.M. team came back from retreat in Carlsbad. The team definitely knew each other on a personal level and became ready to tackle the rest of the quarter! Coming back to UCI, the team designed, 3D printed, and tested a new mesh that will be installed to the bottom of the grinder. We did however, realize the tolerance was too small and will be redesigning again. We researched manufacturers in cutting our redesign of the blades, but we decided this will be a low priority for now since purchasing a sheet of metal is around $200. We began gap distance testing and received a few results, but the ranges are not at the level we want it to be so we are going to continue with the tests. We researched possible fans to be installed to our system and came up with 3 options, a face fan, a small computer fan, and a 3D printer fan. We will begin testing of these fans next week. We researched a diameter controller, but concluded these are not worth continuing due to the high cost of purchasing one. If there is more money in the budget towards the end of the project we will continue on purchasing a controller, but for now we will focus on other things. The arts side of the team focused on researching new spooler wheels and they ended up designing and printing 3 wheels: a rectangular design, spiral, and cross hatching. This is significant because this is the first time we are printing with a flexy plastic material. During the design however, they forgot to include tolerance, and the bed of the printer was too hot that it created a lip on the wheels. They will go back and redesign and reprint these 3 wheels. Next week we will test these wheels and decide on which wheel is optimal to our system. Check in next week to see our results with our designs!