This week materials for the production of prototypes have arrived, each group member will initiate the production of their subsystems. Subsystem one, she has begun by modifying the manual food dispenser. The two main components are the food storage container and a motor. The food dispenser mechanism has begun testing and was found to dispenses ¼ cup with some error. Subsystem 2 has put together a representative of a cartridge connected to the pump that will be releasing the pressurized air. A solenoid valve will be added in between the pump and the cartridge to control the amount of air inserted that is to move the plastic cap inside the cartridge which is what will be pushing the liquid without exposing it to the pressurized air. Subsystem 4 has put together a circuit that can function a displayed with information pre-filled information. For now, the display can only have displayed pre-written phrases. Subsystem 3 has completed his first draft of the housing for all subsystems.