Week 6 – Project X

snmoreno 2016-2017 Integrated Pet Feeder for Health and Wellness

SS2 and SS4: We have successfully integrated Subsystem 2 (supplement dispensing) into Subsystem 4 (main controls). We decided to remove the the 4 solenoids from subsystem 2 and introduce 4 air pumps instead, for two reasons. First, it would be more expensive to manufacture the prototype including 4 solenoids, and it is also more complicated to program and control the …

Winter Week 6: PixHawk Issues And Solutions

louieaj 2016-2017, Project Learning, 2016-2017 UAV Forge

Midterms are still hitting our members at UAV Forge so our progress has been slow. Propulsion team was tackling some issues with in the plane’s stability. The PixHawk controller for the tilt rotors was causing the plane to tilt more extremely than expected. This was fixed by changing the PixHawk’s compensation polarity sign. Another issue was found with the TH-2 …

Winter Week 5: Drag Evaluations and Challenges in Avionics

louieaj 2016-2017, Project Learning, 2016-2017 UAV Forge

Propulsion team has calculated the drag coefficients on each of the plane’s components. Using a mathematical model, the drag build up at sea level with a wind velocity (from infinity) of 50 ft/s. The team found that the landing skids produce the most drag compared to the wings, horizontal tail, vertical tail, fuselage, and naucelle. The Parasitic Drag Coefficient tested …

Solar Airplane Winter Quarter Week 6

btheilac 2016-2017 Solar Airplane

Hello readers, These past weeks have been busy for all teams as we head into the fabrication phase. Our power systems teams has been performing tests and gaining hands on experience of the solar cells. One issue that occurred was that the cells were not receiving the soldering well which led to difficulties when trying to connect several together. For …

Prototype Frame, Motorola Z Development Kit, and Indiegogo

nmohseni Competition, Project Achievements, 2016-2017 Modular CubeSat

The team recently received the Moto Mods MDK from Motorola and is starting to work on creating the first major prototype of the satellite system which will be ready for demonstration at Winter Design Review. Since the team finally has access to the development kit, we are now able to launch our Indiegogo campaign in order to advance in the …

Week 5 – Project X

snmoreno Uncategorized

This week we have continued to improve our respective subsystem by iteration, modification, and redesign to create a functional subsystem that will be ready to be integrated into one system. Subsystem 1: Solidworks design for attachments to the motor and the rotating star that dispenses food have been designed and are ready to be 3D printed. Subsystem 2: The circuit board has been …

Week 5 – Project X

snmoreno 2016-2017 Integrated Pet Feeder for Health and Wellness

This week we have continued to improve our respective subsystem by iteration, modification, and redesign to create a functional subsystem that will be ready to be integrated into one system. Subsystem 1: Solidworks design for attachments to the motor and the rotating star that dispenses food have been designed and are ready to be 3D printed. Subsystem 2: The circuit …

Krobohand – Week 4 & 5: Lateral Joint Design, Thumb Design, Prototyping

Ethan Kirkley 2016-2017 Krobohand, 2016-2017

The designs of both the lateral joint and thumb have been evolving extensively. Many iterations have been gone through the entire process of drawing, 3D modeling, printing, and testing for viability. We are close to what we think will be the most efficient, effective, and viable design. The requirements for these designs focus on ease of printing, as well as …

Clean RGB Data

kyrael 2016-2017 Advanced Combustion Technology

Our camera set up consists of a tungsten lamp (we’re using tungsten because its spectral profile is an ideal, smooth, continuous curve) that emits light through a monochrometer, about 2.5 feet away. The monochromter splits the light and yields a narrow wavelength spectrum. This is the light we’re taking pictures of (and analyzing). The data referred to in our last …