Week 7 – Fuel Cell Data Center Blog

bismarcc 2015-2016, 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center, Project Learning, Project Achievements

For our model, we can set a levelized cost of electricity to determine what our investment expenditures and operation & maintenance (O&M) costs will be. We are still looking into the health costs benefits associated with the reduction of carbon emissions. We cut some strut to make the base of the cooling loop. However, it seems that the blade of …


AJCHENG2 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center

For our fuel cell cooling system, our two members John and Allen have learned how to thread pipes from one of the engineers in engineering laboratory facility. We have submitted the purchase order for a big fan for the cooling system. Originally, we were planning on moving the fuel cell out of its current position; however, after much debate we …

Week 2 – Fuel Cell Data Center Blog

gcobos 2015-2016, 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center, Project Achievements, Events, Competition

We are back and ready for our final quarter! A lot has happened since our last blog! Winter Design Review was a great success. We are excited to report that our project received the Dean’s Choice Award during the Winter Design Review last quarter! After many hours of practicing and editing our presentation & poster, we were able to show …

Week 10 – Fuel Cell Data Center Blog

bismarcc 2015-2016, 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center

Mike Crow assembled the majority of the test circuit for the solar panels in order to start the data collection. We are still waiting for the potentiometer to come in. The potentiometer will be able to deliver an increase or decrease of resistance through out a period of time. He also worked on the data collection file for the solar …

Week 8 – Fuel Cell Data Center Blog

gcobos 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center, 2015-2016

This week we collected data for our presentation to the industry representatives on March 11th. We have started work on our current goal of making a poster for the winter design review in the mechanical/aerospace department and civil/environmental department. Two of our members from environmental engineering have also began making the presentation relevant for them. All of our purchase orders …