-Mike Crow has been working on our presentation for the Winter Design Review which we will present to the industry panel this March 11th. We have had steady progress on the photo voltaic cell circuit. We estimate to be finished by the end of this week if we continue with no interruptions. The Arduino code is being updated in order to be able to post the data we collect to an excel file.
-John Stansbery reattached ventilation fan system into the fuel cell and which will help keep the fuel cell cool. Also he inspected the fuel cell’s wiring connections.
-Gabrielle Cobos worked on editing the Winter Design Review presentation. She and the team met with Terry on Thursday for tips on improving the presentation. On Friday, she and a few others asked for tips at the poster workshop. Gabrielle has started to review John’s test plan draft that will help us figure out what we need to accomplish and how we need to accomplish it for remaining of the senior year. After receiving the fuel cell cooling pump,we realized that we need more materials to connect the pump, so she drove to Irvine Pipe & Supply to buy flanges with her own money. She will create an expense report on Thursday.
-Aaron Cheng edited the graph of energy profiles vs. time in order to improve and allow information to be more concise for the industry panel. This graph consisted of energy profiles vs. time for the amount of energy the fuel cell collects in a day. He has been fixing the model so that we can input a set amount of hydrogen. The model for the completed fuel cell/hydrogen storage/electrolyzer model is able to state the renewable energy percentage vs. pv panel size for the varying initial hydrogen amount.
-Rob Miller and Allen Schellerup have been connecting the pump and flanges to the fuel cell. We discussed what solar mounting design we want to use for the solar panel mount. As of right now we have three possible designs to choose from. Allen will investigate the projected cost for all three options.