We are back and ready for our final quarter! A lot has happened since our last blog!
Winter Design Review was a great success. We are excited to report that our project received the Dean’s Choice Award during the Winter Design Review last quarter! After many hours of practicing and editing our presentation & poster, we were able to show off all our hard work. A few presentation reviewers even came by during the poster session to congratulate us on our team’s presentation. To celebrate our success, we invited all members and our advisor, Professor Brouwer, to the pub after finals were over.
Now that we are in Week 2 of Spring quarter we are still working hard to complete our goals for our project.
The potentiometer for the solar panel test circuit has finally arrived from China. We have been waiting for this part for months and can now continue work. Mike has created an Excel document with ready-made graphs which will allow us to quickly retrieve each solar panel’s IV and PV curve.
Our order of 100 feet of Unistrut has gone missing and we are investigating the situation. According to Purchasing, the order has gone through and has been paid for. We have emailed Irvine Pipe & Supply to see what their records show. This Unistrut is needed for our solar panel mounting system.
On top of our Unistrut going missing, our team member, Robert Miller, graduated last quarter and is no longer with us. He was the only team member that could cut piping in our APEP machine shop, so now other members must learn the trade.