Mike Crow assembled the majority of the test circuit for the solar panels in order to start the data collection. We are still waiting for the potentiometer to come in. The potentiometer will be able to deliver an increase or decrease of resistance through out a period of time. He also worked on the data collection file for the solar panel.
John has also figured out all needed fuel cell interconnections. Since he cannot get into mechanical cabinet, we are unable to proceed investigating the wire connections.
Aaron Cheng has completed the MATLAB model and has made it efficient. He plans to start an economic analysis model that will determine how much energy we will need to buy from the grid if we have to purchase any. No further progress can be made until data collections starts.
Rob Miller has been producing a water cooling system that will be able to dissipate the heat and work hand in hand with the radiator.
Allen Schellerup is in charge of the radiator component to the cooling. He has built the stand for the radiator. He ordered the mount for the solar panel but the adjustable solar mount was rejected from the vendor. We are planning to buy the parts and be able to make the mount our self. We will attach a ballast mounting system that will be able to tilt the solar mount.
Gabrielle Cobos has been in contact with Terry in order to have the presentation ready for this Friday. She has been collectively gathering essential data components from every team member. Also she and the team has been practicing the presentation for this Friday. She submitted her reimbursement form this Friday but has not been reimbursed yet.