Week 2 – Fuel Cell Data Center Blog

gcobos 2015-2016, Project Achievements, 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center, Events, Competition

We are back and ready for our final quarter! A lot has happened since our last blog! Winter Design Review was a great success. We are excited to report that our project received the Dean’s Choice Award during the Winter Design Review last quarter! After many hours of practicing and editing our presentation & poster, we were able to show …

Apr 4, 2016 Taz Update

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

For our cart, we decided we wanted to use the Taz 2.1 3D printer. It is quite an older version of commercial 3D printers, so you could imagine it needs some fixing up. One thing we notice after using it a few times was that the extruded plastic lines were not coming out smooth, but jagged. Upon looking at it …

Manufacturing Airfoil Sections

jundongh 2015-2016 Aerial Wind Turbine, 2015-2016

This week we were able to manufacture an airfoil section, the section was made from plywood and was cut to one fourth scale. The purpose of this was to to get an idea of how we will begin to manufacture our parts but also to see our hard work in real life.

Apr 3, 2016 Tina Chau

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

Salutations! My name is Tina Chau and I’m a 4th year Studio Art major with minors in Digital Arts and Digital Filmmaking. I enjoy experimenting with various mediums, but the two I prioritize for my studies at UCI are traditional drawing and digital filmmaking. The dream for me is to work for big name animation studios and/or live action film …

Apr 3, 2016 3D printing on the go!

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

We need your help! Our student research team here at UC Irvine is currently finishing up our design project and the final pieces of equipment we need are bikes. Before we go into detail about what kind of bikes we should tell you a little more about the project. What is that? (up there, right above here) Our S.P.A.M (Specialists …

Apr 3, 2016 Grinding with the Grinder

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

We finally got to test out our grinder! Although we need some further refining to work on, the machine did its job with our improvised setup. The process however is rather simple. You throw in leftover plastic in the grinder and it grinds it to little pieces! It is capable of breaking down both small and big pieces of plastics …

FSAE Electric Racecar Electrical Systems Form Update

rmnorris 2015-2016 FSAE Racecar Electra

One of the big differences between the FSAE competition/SAE Baja competition and the FSAE Electric Competition is the volume of extra documentation required of the teams. Electric teams can expect to send in 4 extra documents with over 120 more pages of paperwork. The Electrical Systems Form can account for 100 of these pages. It is a technical report describing …

Mar 12, 2016 Eunji Russ

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

Hello! My my name is Eunji Russ and I’m a senior in art major with digital art minor. I like to work with different mediums and explore new ways of creating art. I am part of the Honors Program for Art Major, where my knowledge and skill in art is challenged and critiqued constantly. Upon my search for contemporary art …

Mar 11, 2016 Battery Design Update

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

The new modular battery system has been completed, hooray! Eunji and I have been collaborating the last few weeks on creating an accessible, compact battery module that simplifies the current wiring from having to be screwed directly onto the positive and negative terminals to just plugs that are easier and safer to use! The exterior is now sleeker and confined …

Circular UAV Week 8,9,10 Winter Quarter

zzou1 2015-2016 Circular UAV

For the past few weeks, our team 1) Finished the carbon frame structure for the wing body. 2) Put together the foam wing bodies that we fabricated. 3) Cut out channels on the prototype wing body for the frame. 4) Assembled the final body of the prototype with the airframe. 5) Finished the CAD model and poster for winter design …