Winter Design Review and Quarter Goals

KTLUU1 2016-2017 Efficiency of Aquatic Locomotion Using Flippers

Towards the end of last quarter, our team presented at the Winter Design Review. The video containing the presentation could be found following this link: We ended our project with a poster design review. Alex, Damian, Timothy, and I presented an overview of our project to several interested peers, alumni, faculty members, and engineering industry professionals. The poster is …

AquaLoco: Week 8 Updates

KTLUU1 2016-2017 Efficiency of Aquatic Locomotion Using Flippers

This past week, Bon Kim and Damian Torres met up with the 3D printing club to print a prototype of the fins (pictured). However, there were technical difficulties when they tried to print one of their designs, which includes hinges in between part of the fin to make it flexible.  I worked on the poster for our presentation at the Winter …

Week 6 Updates

KTLUU1 2016-2017 Efficiency of Aquatic Locomotion Using Flippers

This past week, Timothy, Damian, and Alex nailed together the walls of the tank, pictured in this blog. ​​  Also, I prepared the PowerPoint for the design review on Wednesday, February 22, 2017. We are excited to share our project and how much we have progressed to our peers.  Our goals for this week is to coat the tank with epoxy to …

Week 5 Updates

KTLUU1 2016-2017 Efficiency of Aquatic Locomotion Using Flippers

For the past week, Timothy and Alejandro have been building the test bed. Bon and Damian have been drafting more designs for the fins. At last week’s team meeting, Professor Tryphon made suggestions for the fin designs, pictured in this blog. We plan to cut out part of a snorkeling fin and test the different fin shapes to see which one is more …