February was a productive month for our Raider team; although we’re running a bit behind schedule, we’re shooting to have a steerable car on wheels by the Winter design review (Mar. 11) and a car ready for testing soon after that.
Suspension components are the biggest holdup due to all of the machining involved; we’ve definitely learned our lesson in regards to that. Once we’ve got those tires on the ground, our powertrain team is primed to deliver power since the engine and gearbox have been mounted. The human interface team is in the process of installing various components and hammering out any kinks they come across, and our chassis & body team has been lending their hands where needed. Lastly, we turned in a cost report last night—under a minute before the deadline—and are proud with our year-over-year improvements in cost documentation.
We’ve still got a ways to go, but we’re beginning to feel the warmth of the sunrise!