2017 Winter Design Review Results

Team Name Review Score Breakdown Comments Video Link
HYPERXITE 3.70 Background 3.50
Goal and Objectives 3.33
Organization 3.83
Timeline 3.67
Progress 3.83
Design Requirements 3.50
Engineering Principles 3.83
Innovation 3.83
The Bigger Picture 3.50
Budget 3.67
Feasibility 3.50
Visual Communication 4.00
Delivery 3.83
Excellent presentation. Great team work.
Great job! Think about long term maintenance when designing.Better understanding of history, big picture tie in and clearer design goals needed. Excellent project and presentation.
-As a female engineer, I think it’s awesome to see the three of you leading the presentation.   -Add a clear description of the competition requirements, as well as your goals for the quarter. They were addressed in the questions portion, but it would be better if it was part of your presentation.
MPOWRD 3.38 Background 3.29
Goal and Objectives 3.57
Organization 3.00
Timeline 3.14
Progress 3.57
Design Requirements 3.29
Engineering Principles 3.14
Innovation 3.43
The Bigger Picture 3.43
Budget 3.14
Feasibility 3.71
Visual Communication 3.57
Delivery 3.43
Very useful application. Simple for user. Suggest checking other materials for lighter weight.

Is there a steady state cost target moving forward? Any long term maintenance concerns? Background on how many patients with “one sided” strength would be interesting. What is distance of travel per “typical motion”?
Tube bender used low tech manufacturing. Well done! Great job!
It wasn’t clear what the apparatus did for the large portion of the presentation. One criterion was ignored: no tools. It also wasn’t clear that one brake clamped on both wheels.
One of the goals was to not use tools, but it seems like with the current design you need a tool to install your device. That may be something to improve next quarter. On presentation, I would just recommend more professional dress, it add to your credibility. Next time, avoid jeans, go with the slacks.

CUBESAT 3.33 Background 3.8
Goal and Objectives 3.4
Organization 3
Timeline 3.2
Progress 3.2
Design Requirements 3.8
Engineering Principles 3.4
Innovation 3.2
The Bigger Picture 2.6
Budget 3.2
Feasibility 3.8
Visual Communication 3.6
Delivery 3.8
What will the satellite be measuring? Do you know yet?

Exciting project!
– I like the transistor burning idea, nice!   – Maybe specify more on why you want to send a CubeSat, what date do you want to capture and why?  – Overall, excellent job

AUTONOMOUS BOAT 3.22 Background 2.8
Goal and Objectives 3.6
Organization 3.2
Timeline 2.8
Progress 3
Design Requirements 3.4
Engineering Principles 3.2
Innovation 3.2
The Bigger Picture 3.8
Budget 2.8
Feasibility 3.2
Visual Communication 3.2
Delivery 3.4
Interesting use of off-the-shelf solutions questions on the other side to consider.
– A bit informal in some sections  – Using quantitative terms can limit subjective language like “good” or “nicely”  – Team structure was hard to see (maybe text larger)  – Thermal efficiency was a bit questionable. Need more information on co generation tech
– Next time you test with a person on board, maybe consider wearing a life jacket, just in case.
Not Available
UCI SAE RACECAR BANDIT 3.20 Background 3.38
Goal and Objectives 3.38
Organization 3.63
Timeline 3.63
Progress 3.50
Design Requirements 3.50
Engineering Principles 3.25
Innovation 2.75
The Bigger Picture 2.38
Budget 3.00
Feasibility 3.38
Visual Communication 3.25
Delivery 3.38
66th in sales presentation – Did you leverage any business or marketing majors? Highlight “benefits” as raider vs. bandit slides. Are you documenting all options explored before you decided any key changes?Excellent. Cost presented, not budget.
-Excellent work, just use the word “guys” less  -It really seems like you are making well thought out improvements on last years car
Great work. Work on Team’s presentation skills.
RENEW 3D PRINT 3.16 Background 3.43
Goal and Objectives 3.14
Organization 3.14
Timeline 3.29
Progress 3.29
Design Requirements 3.14
Engineering Principles 3.00
Innovation 3.00
The Bigger Picture 3.29
Budget 2.57
Feasibility 3.00
Visual Communication 3.57
Delivery 3.43
Very innovative idea. Great concept, good for environment.

Is there a cost “target” for the system vs. the value it delivers? What are people currently doing with 3D waste today? Is this design meant for “small scale” or “large scale” use? Or both?
Need work/stude of plastic processing.
Use more industry standard material handling techniques. Many of the issues you are trying to overcome are likely well-documented i.e. offgassing from melting plastics, material handling techniques, etc. This project seems to have lost its way.
– Some details missing. RE: What works is being done on reexceled/ non-3D print waste?   – Seems like talking to industry about material handling best practices might help.

SOLAR POWERED AIRPLANE 3.15 Background 2.8
Goal and Objectives 3.4
Organization 3.6
Timeline 3.4
Progress 3.4
Design Requirements 3.4
Engineering Principles 3.2
Innovation 2.6
The Bigger Picture 2.6
Budget 3
Feasibility 3.6
Visual Communication 3.6
Delivery 3.2
Would help to clarify what “extended flight time” really means.

Some of the statements could be clearer.
That was a very good presentation, we can tell that you really knew your stuff! Once you get it flying, adding a video to the presentation would be awesome!


The weighting for the rubric is shown below:

# Question Category Weight (%)
1 Background Project Definition 5
2 Goal and Objectives Project Definition 5
3 Organization Project Management 5
4 Timeline Project Management 5
5 Progress Project Management 15
6 Design Requirements Technical Approach 10
7 Engineering Principles Technical Approach 10
8 Innovation Technical Approach 15
9 The Bigger Picture Technical Approach 10
10 Budget Realistic Constraints 5
11 Feasibility Realistic Constraints 5
12 Visual Communication Presentation 5
13 Delivery Presentation 5