Project Definition |
Exemplary 4 |
Proficient 3 |
Apprentice 2 |
Novice 1 |
1. Background |
Detailed background, previous work, prerequisites, and motivation were highlighted to show project significance. |
Project background, previous work, and motivation were discussed. |
Incomplete discussion of the background and motivation. |
Background and motivation were not discussed. |
2. Goal and Objectives |
Well-defined goal. In-depth objectives are aligned to achieve goal. |
Defined goal with objectives to support it.
Weak goal with incomplete objectives. |
Inconsistent goal and objectives. |
Project Management |
3. Organization |
Functional responsibilities of all project members are aligned to a work breakdown structure. |
Functional responsibilities of each member are clear. |
Functional responsibilities of some members are not clear. |
No functional responsibilities were identified. |
4. Timeline |
Detailed timeline consistent with work breakdown structure showing, milestones, deadlines, and deliverables. |
Timeline shown with milestones, deadlines, and deliverables. |
Timeline is too general or unclear. |
No timeline presented. |
5. Progress |
Excellent progress. Task management is clearly shown. Team members are actively working on tasks and delivering results to ensure project success. |
Good progress. Evidence of task management albeit with less structure. |
Some progress. The team can benefit from task management. |
Little progress shown. |
Technical Approach |
6. Design Requirements |
Clear and concrete evidence of ability to understand the design requirements, understand the limitations, analyze different alternatives, and provide a feasible design. |
Technical approach shows that the design requirements were understood. |
Mismatch between design requirements and technical approach. |
Did not understand the design requirements. |
7. The Bigger Picture |
In-depth discussion of the business, competitive, economic, environmental, social, scientific, and/or academic impact and significance. |
Identified the connection between the project and a greater significance. |
Connection of the project to a greater significance is weak. |
Unable to connect project to a greater significance. |
Realistic Constraints |
8. Budget |
Detailed budget that is well thought out. |
Budget presented and is complete. |
Budget presented but is questionable. |
No budget presented. |
9. Feasibility |
Objective(s), scope, and approach are feasible and can be completed in agreed time frame. |
Objective(s), scope, and approach seem feasible, but may take longer than originally projected. |
Objective(s), scope, and approach need to be reworked. |
Objective(s), scope, and approach are not feasible. |
Presentation |
10. Visual Communication |
Excellent, relevant, compelling visual aids depicting the project and/or the elements of the project. |
Clear visual aids depicting the project and/or the elements of the project. |
The visual aids are unclear. |
The visual aids were not useful. |
11. Delivery |
Clear, polished, confident. |
Understandable and comfortable. |
Understandable yet tentative. |
Delivery detracts. |