Electric Racecar Thor W6

zdemotte 2016-2017 Electric Racecar Thor

For this week, we are still focusing on electrical system design as suggested by the professor. I have been working on the battery box sub-team. For those that who do not know, the battery box is where we are going to keep the high and low voltage system within the racecar. The battery box must meet many requirements, such as …

Week 6 Solar Airplane Updates

btheilac 2016-2017 Solar Airplane

Hello everyone, The plane design is on schedule and will be completed within the next week. By the end of this week, The avionics team will have selected our motor, various sensors and servos that will accompany our plane. Our plane will be roughly 7.5 pounds and have a wingspan of approximately 6 feet. From this, we know that our …

Krobohand – Reiteration of the Finger Design

Ethan Kirkley 2016-2017, 2016-2017 Krobohand

We have been diligently working to refine our finger design before printing our another prototype to test. As is shown in the blog post picture, there have been some significant changes from our prior prototypes, specifically in the way we plan to attach the flexor tendon into the finger, and the design of the lateral joint. Before this design, we …

X-Fade #4

ethanp 2016-2017, 2016-2017 X-Fade Flight Simulator

How’s it going guys? This is Ethan again with this week’s progress on the X-Fade Flight Simulator. Due to midterms and lab reports, we were not able to make as much progress as we wanted on the project. However, Mathew and I have met with the UCI eSports director, Mark Deppe, and he is willing to help us reach out …

Week 6 Progress

gajuarez 2016-2017 Walking Perturber

For week 6 of our project, our advisor, Professor Reinkensmeyer, held a “project status” meeting for the rehab robotics teams. In preparation for the meeting, we composed a PowerPoint presentation that included our hand drawn sketches along with the pros and cons of each design. We also briefly included the objective of our project. During the presentation, we received feedback …

Testing Cameras and Learning Chemkin

kyrael 2016-2017 Advanced Combustion Technology

Our Firebrand team has been busy! We started off with interviewing a firefighter (appropriate since they are our main audience with this project) to understand the current technology and learn about their needs. We’ve also begun testing with a phone camera to give us a place to start. We’ve been using a heating rod as our standard heat source (to …

Greywater Recycling Week 5 Blog

bmarcone 2016-2017 Greywater Recycling

Week 5 was our second week working together as a group. It was still largely about getting a grasp of what our project will be, and laying the groundwork to move forward with design concepts. Some of the things we did this week were some minor brainstorming, as well as thinking more about our overall goals for the 3 quarters. …

Week 5: Prototype Iterations and General Project Developments

louieaj 2016-2016 UAV Forge, 2015-2016 UAV Forge, 2015-2016

UAV Forge has had some interesting developments so far! The Propulsion team has been performing tilt-rotor spiral mode analysis to find ways to control how the plane moves. In addition, they want to create a new gimbal and test bench to experimentally prove their research ideas. The Mechanical Design team is working on designing three parts of the plane. First, …

Nov 3, 2016 Winning the Brower Youth Award

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

The SPAM team has achieved some pretty amazing successes since its inception only a little over a year ago. Completing many major projects in the timespan of mere months including: bike powered light displays, multiple outreach events, and not to mention the mobile recycling system itself. Adding to this list of achievements is team leader Will Amos’s winning the Brower …