ioToys Week 5 and 6 Updates

ipareja 2015-2016 IoToys, Project Learning

Despite our setbacks, we’re now steadily making progress towards our finished product and it’s getting exciting. These past two weeks have been pretty busy for all of us on our team, but we’re managing to get our individual tasks done, and I can see the project coming together. On the electrical side of things, we’re finally branching away from our …


AJCHENG2 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center

For our fuel cell cooling system, our two members John and Allen have learned how to thread pipes from one of the engineers in engineering laboratory facility. We have submitted the purchase order for a big fan for the cooling system. Originally, we were planning on moving the fuel cell out of its current position; however, after much debate we …

IOTOYS update

aamargo 2015-2016 IoToys

Last quarter we had some difficulties integrating our system on Unity. Toward the end, with some help from a fellow student in computer science, we were able to figure out a lot of the kinks within our code. We are still dealing with optimizing the code and are in the process of 3D printing our controller. What we decided on …