2017 Winter Projects Contact Information

Project Name
Team Lead
Safety Officer
Document Mngr
Purchasing Mngr
Project Family
MAE0050ADVANCED COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGYDUNN-RANKINTo aid firestations, design a device that can analyze photos of burning fire embers emitted from a forest fire. The device will analyze the fire ember's temperature, heat content, trajectory, and velocity in order to determine its potential to ignite another fire. Dustin HallHalld1@uci.eduSiddharth Baranwalsbaranwa@uci.eduKyra Leekyrael@uci.eduJose Hernandezjoselh1@uci.edu
MAE0052AIAA DESIGN BUILD FLYLIEBECKThe UCI Design/Build/Fly team is a project that designs, manufactures and competes electric remote-control airplanes in the annual international Design/Build/Fly competition, allowing students to validate analytic studies through practical application and gain real-world aircraft design experience.Saho Lauren Kingkingsl@uci.eduJustin Kerrjpkerr@uci.eduJustin Kerrjpkerr@uci.eduSaho Lauren Kingkingsl@uci.edu
MAE0054AFRL-HEAT PIPE (Thermal Oreintation Test Bed)LARUE, Khalid RafiqueThe objective of this project is to develop a testbed for heat pipes which can be manually controlled to assume any orientation in a vacuum chamber for the testing of heat pipes. Michael Rodriguezmwrodrig@uci.eduBlake Burtonburtonbj@uci.eduKyle Williamskwilllia@uci.eduMichael Rodriguezmwrodrig@uci.edu
MAE0055AFRL-HIGH FLUXLARUE, Khalid RafiqueThe primary objective of this project is to design, develop, and fabricate a testbed capable of producing and dissipating high heat fluxes/loads.Matthew Brent Hastingshastingm@uci.eduBao The Trantranbt2@uci.eduLisheng Wanglishenw1@uci.eduDavid Baltazarbaltazad@uci.edu
MAE0056CARGO PLANELARUEThis project is to design a heavy-lift RC airplane that follows the guidelines of the SAE Aero West regular class competition rules. Tyler Scott Gormantgorman@uci.eduVu Nguyenvuan1@uci.eduGabriela Arevalogareval1@uci.eduBrandon Ialentibialenti@uci.edu
MAE0059FLAPPING MAVTAHATo verify the vibrational stabilization of large insect while hovering by doing experiments on electric dove, testing the stability under disturbances, and analyzing the moments of the dove. Kourosh Hedayatiekhedayat@uci.eduJoyce Leejoycehl1@uci.eduKhue Phamkhuep@uci.eduAhmed Dessoukydessouky@uci.edu
Design, build and test a completely suspended vehicle axle, using passive magnets. Our project utilizes creative magnetic arrays that both levitate and stabilize the axle, as well as an electromagnetic motor to best minimize any friction the axle may be subject to, with the aim of creating a highly efficient, no-contact system.
Siddharth Baranwalsbaranwa@uci.eduTandy Litandyl@uci.eduSuchith Schantharajsuchiths@uci.eduTandy Litandyl@uci.edu
MAE0060Advanced Energy Community BROUWERWorking to reduce energy demand of the built environment as part of a larger Advanced Energy Community project for the California Energy Commission whereby UCI's premier energy research lab, APEP, is designing a solar powered microgrid for a low-income community of thousands of people in Huntington Beach, CA.Mohamad KhazemMkhazem@uci.eduMohamed Elfasil Abdeirahmanmeabdeir@uci.eduDongyang Lidongyal@uci.eduHanin Alhassanhalhassa@uci.edu
MAE0061FUEL CELL BATTERYWANGDesign, build, and learn about a system with the fuel cell battery as the core element. Our project focuses on how heat and pressure affects the efficiency of a whole system of consisting of a power source, water electrolysis, fuel cell and power sink. Vu Anh Nguyenvuan1@uci.eduJulien Basmayorjbasmayo@uci.edu Gerardo Lopezgjlopez1@uci.edu Alex Alfaroalfaroa2@uci.edu
MAE0062HYPERXITERANGELHyperXite is designing and building a prototype Hyperloop pod as a part of the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition to accelerate the future development of a full-scale Hyperloop.Arwa Tizaniatizani@uci.eduMackenzie Puig-Hallmpuighal@uci.eduMackenzie Puig-Hallmpuighal@uci.eduMackenzie Puig-Hallmpuighal@uci.eduMain Contact Mackenzie Puig-Hall (mpuighal@uci.edu)
MAE0085Mechanical Aid for Traction on IceWANG, TERRYDesign and prototype an user-friendly, mechanical ice raction device that can engaged and disengaged with opposite foot or the floor.Huining Wanghuiningw@uci.eduBan Lanblan@uci.eduZejian Chenzejianc@uci.eduAhmad Faizan Ahmadafahmad@uci.eduProject X
MAE0084Integrated Pet Feeder for Health and WellnessWANG, TERRYDesign and prototype of an user friendly, mechanical pet feeder that dispenses dry food and liquid supplements according to veterinarian recommended amounts and depending on pet's weight.Kitcia Jael Juache Aguilarkjuachea@uci.eduHector Alvarezhhalvare@uci.eduSandy Morenosnmoreno@uci.eduJose Ramirezjaramir6@uci.eduProject XKitcia Juache Aguilar
MAE0066Thor – FSAE Electric RacecarMCCARTHYDesign, build, and compete with an electric racecar in Formula SAE Electric competition in Lincoln, NE. Zachary Demottezdemotte@uci.eduLiam Buchananldbuchan@uci.eduLiam Buchananldbuchan@uci.eduKatie Robinsonkfrobins@uci.eduRacecarProgram Manager - Katie Robinson (Kfrobins@uci.edu - 714-865-4965), Co-Team Lead Zachary De Motte (zdemotte@uci.edu)
MAE0092Mantis - FSAE RacecarMCCARTHYDesign, build, and compete with a vehicle in Formula SAE Internal Combustion competition in Lincoln, NE. Matt Clarkclarkmc@uci.eduLuis Hernandezhernanl4@uci.eduMartin Noriegamanorieg@uci.eduKatie Robinsonkfrobins@uci.eduRacecarProgram Manager - Katie Robinson (Kfrobins@uci.edu - 714-865-4965)
MAE0093Bandit - BAJA SAE RacecarMCCARTHYDesign, build, and validate a rugged and reliable single seat off-road vehicle. The prototype vehicle competes against 100 other teams in April and is judged based on its performance in Endurance, Acceleration, Maneuverability, Hill Climb, and Suspension tests as well as Design, Cost, and Sales Presentations.Kurtis Wraggkwragg@uci.eduEduardo Sortoesorto@uci.edu Ceasar Teresacteresa@uci.eduKatie Robinsonkfrobins@uci.eduRacecarProgram Manager - Katie Robinson (Kfrobins@uci.edu - 714-865-4965)
MAE0068Wrist ExoskeletonREINKENSMEYERDevelop a wrist exoskeleton that uses a spring to cancel abnormal tone in people with brain injuries such as stroke and cerebral palsy.Nathan Phungphungnh@uci.eduXinyi Fanxinyif@uci.eduHieu Nguyenhieukhtn1@gmail.comNathan Phungphungnh@uci.eduRehab Robotics
MAE0094Hand Use DetectorREINKENSMEYERDesign and and develop a wearable device to measure hand tremors, relating change in hand tremors to change in mass of hand.Calvin Mocwmo@uci.eduHuining Wanghuiningw@uci.eduCalvin Mocwmo@uci.eduHuining Wanghuiningw@uci.eduRehab Robotics
MAE0095Flight Simulator Chair - X-FadeREINKENSMEYERIncorporate virtual reality goggles and decrease response time of chair using control system theory in order to provide the user with an immersive experience and accurate simulation of flying. McHenry Carlsonmchenrc@uci.eduMatthew Gutierrezmjgutie2@uci.eduEthan Pengethanp@uci.eduMcHenry Carlsonmchenrc@uci.eduRehab Robotics
MAE0096Concussions in Water PoloREINKENSMEYERResearch the magnitude and frequency of head impacts in water polo, as well as analyze the effectiveness of new and existing headgear in reducing head impact forces.Nicholas CecchiTJ Orostoros@uci.eduJohn Higginsjlhiggin@uci.eduNicholas Cecchincecchi@uci.eduRehab RoboticsChanged to 199
MAE0097MPOWRDREINKENSMEYERDesign and manufacture a wheelchair rehabilitation device that can be detached from the wheelchair and transported independently. Selina Eichseich@uci.eduKevin Pelletierpelletik@uci.eduLawrence Hipolitolhipolit@uci.eduScott Bahlsnbahl@uci.eduRehab Robotics
MAE0098Soft Robot FingerREINKENSMEYERFabricate and design soft pneumatic actuators for prosthetic applicationsRay Molinarayam@uci.edurayam@uci.eduRehab RoboticsChanged to 199
MAE0099Walking PeturberREINKENSMEYERWalking Perturber will provide a quantifiable test of balance, targeting the elderly populous as a form of preventative care. The test will utilize a vest to record data and come with a data analysis program to allow for ease of use.Edward Zhuezhu1@uci.eduGiovanna Juarezgajuarez@uci.eduKevin Kuankakuan@uci.eduEdward Zhuezhu1@uci.eduRehab Robotics
MAE0100KrobohandREINKENSMEYERKrobohand aims to bridge the gap in the upper limb prosthesis industry between cost and functionality by means of dual material 3D printing, and a streamlined process of connectivity with electromyography - by doing so creating a sleek, clean, and recognizable prosthesis. Ethan Kirkleyekirkley@uci.eduCameron Hunt huntcb@uci.eduZeppy Khechadoorianzkhechad@uci.eduKevin Wongwongk4@uci.eduRehab Robotics
MAE0069RESCUE ROBOTICSKRICHMAR, HARRIS, MCCARTHYDesign and implementation of autonomous ground and aerial vehicles capable of finding natural disaster victims and reporting back their pictures and global position.Alexander Wangalexanyw@uci.eduGuy Nimrodignimrodi@uci.eduNick Pereiranpereir1@uci.eduAlexander Wangalexanyw@uci.edu
MAE0070ROBOTIC HANDHARRISResearch and invstigate the limitations of artificial intelligence by designing and building a robotic arm capable of recognizing and organzing object's feautures based on dimension, color, and temperature. Bobby MoralezBmoralez@uci.eduMari Vidauri MaciasMvidauri@uci.eduLisette Gonzalezlisetteg@uci.eduSihao Terrysihaow@uci.edu
MAE0072ROCKET PROJECTMEASEDesign a cost-effective method (Rockoon) for mesosphere research and CubeSat launch by using balloons to hoist and launch an actively stabilized rocket with a highly efficient lightweight hybrid engine. Isaiah Christian Navarroicnavarr@uci.eduIsaiah Navarricnavarr@uci.eduIsaiah Navarricnavarr@uci.eduIsaiah Navarricnavarr@uci.edu
MAE0074SOLAR POWERED AIRPLANEWANGTo develop an autonomous, user-friendly, hand launched fixed wing aircraft utilizing the power of the sun to enhance and provide a critical extension to flight time for surveillance operations.Benjeet Khabrabkhabra@uci.eduJosue Ortizjortizco@uci.eduBlake Theilackerbtheilac@uci.eduJake AtachianJatachia@uci.edu
MAE0076Portable Solar Space HeaterDUNN-RANKINDesign and test a solar powered space heater using a thermochemical material as the means for heat storage so that the heater can be used on demand with or without sunlight.Elizabeth BollEbou@uci.eduRoland Estropia, Jr.estropir@uci.eduJeremy Dangjeremykd@uci.eduDarren Chandarrenkc@uci.eduSolar Thermal
MAE0101Solar Thermal Water HeaterDUNN-RANKINDesign, test, and build a commerical "unit-based" solar water heater system designed for suburban Califrornian homesDavid Baltazarbaltazad@uci.eduAlex Masamitsoamasamit@uci.eduAnthony Ruizanthor2@uci.eduDavid Baltazarbaltazad@uci.eduSolar Thermal
MAE0077SPACECRAFT THERMAL SYSTEMSLARUE, Khalid RafiqueTo develop a low-cost electro chronically controlled film that can variably absorb or reflect radiation for a Satellite at Low-Earth orbit. Pedro Salcedosalcedop@uci.eduThomas Sullivantsulliva@uci.eduVictor Cabanasvcabanas@uci.eduWilliam Berrioswberrios@uci.edu
MAE0078THERMAL ENERGYWANG, Jaeho LeeHenry MakVictor ChenXiaoqian WangNate Chan Disbanded
MAE0082E-THERMOSENSORWANGSohee OhKa Kui ChanKatie KimKatie KimDisbanded
MAE0080UAV FORGETAHADesign, build and test UAVs that satisfy the original requirements laid out by DARPA in its crowdsource project.Cheng Wei Yecwye@uci.eduAndrii Sokolenkoasokolen@uci.eduAriel Louielouieaj@uci.eduAlice Lialicekl@uci.edu
MAE0083AUTONOMOUS BOATREINKENSMEYERDesign and build an autonomous boat that can navigate the open ocean and compete in the Microtransat Challenge with the stated goal of successfully crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Newfoundland to Ireland without human input.Connor Kingmanckingman@uci.eduPeter Phillipspbphilli@uci.eduPatrick Canlerpcanler@uci.eduPhillip Friedmanfriedmap@uci.edu
MAE0086CUBESATMEASEThe Modular CubeSat project’s goal is to design and build a modular phone based CubeSat in order to minimize satellite development costs. Nima Mohseninmohseni@uci.eduNima Mohseninmohseni@uci.eduNima Mohseninmohseni@uci.eduNima Mohseninmohseni@uci.edu
MAE0088SENSOR SOLUTIONSHKELDesign and make a Wearable Detection Device for UV And Polluted Air ExposureJieneng Yangjienengy@uci.eduRuihong Wangruihongw@uci.eduRuihong Wangruihongw@uci.eduRuihong Wangruihongw@uci.edu
MAE0087ECO ENGINEERING - Greywater RecyclingWALTERThis project is designing a natural, plant-based, residential filtration system that will allow users to reuse the greywater that passes through their sinks for safe irrigation.Brandon Marconetbmarcone@uci.eduThomas Hotuho1@uci.eduDaniel Huynhdanieldh@uci.eduDaniel Santiagodysantia@uci.edu
MAE0089AquaLocoGEORGIOUDesign an efficient biomimetic propulsion system using flippers inspired by aquatic animals instead of convnetional propellers.Alejandro Martinmartinai@uci.eduDamian Torresdrtorres@uci.eduDamian Torresdrtorres@uci.eduAlejandro Martinmartinai@uci.edu
MAE0105Renew 3D Print WALTER, JACKSONPersonal 3D printing, in conjunction with in-house recycling of the plastics used, are poised to change the consumption patterns of the general public. This project will design and implement plastic recycling processes in response to consumer 3D printing, and promote awareness of cradle to cradle ideas in the home.Andrew Hnatahnat@uci.eduWilliam Amoswamos@uci.eduDerek De Los Angelesddelosan@uci.eduAldrin Lupisanalupisan@uci.edu
MAE0106HELICOPTER DBFTAHAOur helicopter DBF team is a project that designs a control system for the collective helicopter, including sensors such as GPS, sonar, Gyro etc. Allowing our team member to study the Control system and dynamic system of the collective helicopter and design a unique control system for it to be able to fly automatically and give reactions to feedback from our onboard sensors. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for our student to work with professor Taha who is an expert of helicopter.Yunliang Sha yunlians@uci.eduYizhou Panyizhoup1@uci.eduRunjing LiRunjingl@uci.eduZihao Zouzzou1@uci.edu
MAE0102EDI - AVL Engine Simulation (Kruse)Ahmadkhanlou, McDonellProject not continuing for the W17 QuarterEDI
MAE0103EDI - Golf Putting Trainer (Dunn-Rankin)Ahmadkhanlou, McDonellDesign and develop a user-friendly putting trainer and mobile application to simulate the abbreviated putting technique.Mercedeez Aquinoaquinomj@uci.eduEDI
MAE0104EDI - Project Six(Menning)Ahmadkhanlou, McDonellDesign a portable and lightweight bed for the homeless that can be quickly collapsed into a backpack for easy carrying and storage. Sohee Ohsoo1@uci.eduEDI