Renew 3D Print Winter Wk 8: GREAT NEWS!

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

This week we received feedback from our peer review. We received 3rd place out of all the senior design projects and we will be presenting on March 17! In preparation for the presentation, we began creating drafts of our poster. We received feedback from Terry and decided we will go through more re-branding. Rather than being called Specialists in Plastic Additive Manufacturing we will be simply called Renew 3D Print. On a side note, the gap optimization/spooler group successfully accomplished a milestone! We are successful in coding the spooler to speed up and slow down corresponding to the diameter of the spool. The increase in width of the wheels, allowed us to mimic an industry size extruder to a smaller, consumer size scale. They will continue to program the spooler so it is not dependent on a computer. The handle team successfully created a design for the handles and are going to hand it off to Tucker who will fabricate the handles. The hydrolysis team is at a dead end, realizing there is no hydrolysis problem in the plastic and will continue on working on the presentations week 10. We are also building recycling bins for coffee shops around UCI to recycle their lids into 3D printing material. So find us around campus!