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The consequences of falls are a serious matter. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20-30% of falls among the elderly result in injury, which increase in severity with age. This may lead to further reduced mobility, hip fracture, and even death. Understanding the body’s compensatory mechanism to instability is necessary in gauging health. While walking, people are more subject to experiencing imbalance due to the smaller support base and misaligned center of mass above the point of support. Limited research has been conducted on perturbed walking beyond the lab setting, therefore tracking and analyzing individual response to randomized perturbations during daily life would provide a better representation of a patient’s well-being.
Our goal is to develop a wearable device that quantifies a person’s balance and stability using perturbations. A physician will then interpret the data and make lifestyle recommendations based on the results.
Our specific objectives include:
-Subtly test user’s balance and stability as they go about their daily life
-Check/Measure Stability
-Data Collection
-Data Analysis
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# | Name | Email Address | Position | LinkedIn Address |
1 | Edward Zhu | ezhu1@uci,edu | Team Lead | |
2 | Giovanna Juarez | gajuarez@uci.edu | Safety Officer | |
3 | Kevin Kuan | kakuan@uci.edu | Document Manager | |
4 | Edward Zhu | ezhu1@uci.edu | Purchasing Manager | |
5 | Team Member |
Walking Perturber Week 2 Progress
January 23, 2017Walking Perturber Week 10 Progress
December 4, 2016Week 8 Progress
November 20, 2016Week 6 Progress
November 5, 2016
Name: Dhaval Shah
Email: dhavalshah11@gmail.com
Team Lead

Name: Mercedeez Aquino
Email: aquinomj@uci.edu
Safety Manager

Name: Kevin Kuan
Email: kakuan@uci.edu
Document Manager

Name: Edward Zhu
Email: ezhu1@uci.edu
Purchasing Manager

Name: David Reinkensmeyer
Email: dreinken@uci.edu
Website: http://biorobotics.eng.uci.edu/people/djr
Faculty Advisor