ioToys Week 5 and 6 Updates

ipareja 2015-2016 IoToys, Project Learning

Despite our setbacks, we’re now steadily making progress towards our finished product and it’s getting exciting. These past two weeks have been pretty busy for all of us on our team, but we’re managing to get our individual tasks done, and I can see the project coming together.

On the electrical side of things, we’re finally branching away from our breadboard and Arduino set-up and moving towards a smaller microcontroller set-up with our arduino nano and our perforated board. For the sake of convenience and shortage of time, we’ve chosen the perforated board route instead of the printed circuit board so we can accommodate for the size of our 3D printed module while still leaving room for us to make necessary changes, which was less possible with the turn around time for our PCB’s.

On the CAD side of things, we’re polishing the Solidworks model for our device and testing out each print, which we have improved on since week 4. We’re creating this for our perforated board to fit and function in.

On the Coding side of things, we’re getting things to function together in Arduino and Unity3D. We’ve been focused on incorporating a color-changing feature on our project with the push of a button as well as calibration of the accelerometer and outputs of the potentiometers all working together. We’ve tested all of these on our breadboard-Arduino set up and are on track to incorporating this into our compact perforated board set-up.