We are currently in the process of creating a controller that is fun for young kids to interact with physically and see changes digitally on the computer. The electrical circuit is now finished, after switching from the prototype to a permanent circuit which is soldered together to a perforated board. The circuit consists of an Arduino Nano, 3 variable resistors, …
ioToys Week 5 and 6 Updates
Despite our setbacks, we’re now steadily making progress towards our finished product and it’s getting exciting. These past two weeks have been pretty busy for all of us on our team, but we’re managing to get our individual tasks done, and I can see the project coming together. On the electrical side of things, we’re finally branching away from our …
IOTOYS update
Last quarter we had some difficulties integrating our system on Unity. Toward the end, with some help from a fellow student in computer science, we were able to figure out a lot of the kinks within our code. We are still dealing with optimizing the code and are in the process of 3D printing our controller. What we decided on …
Week 4: Colors functionality added
This week, my group was able to accomplish a few things. We were able to get the accelerometer working so that every time we tilt the Arduino set-up, we were able to get number readings in Arduino. We also figured out a code for how to change the color of our object in the Unity 3D interface. However, there were …
Week 3: Potentiometers, Accelerometers and Bluetooth Update
These past couple weeks, my team has been working on getting the potentiometers, to work with Unity and also enabling the accelerometer and bluetooth to function. In terms of the potentiometer, two team members have gotten one potentiometer to work in Unity. They made this possible by interacting with codes in Arduino where it would convert the analog changes of …
Week 1: December Meeting with Mattel
Last quarter during Finals week my team and I went to visit Mattel Incorporated in El Segundo, California. We were fortunate to meet with a few of the people in the digital department. They were very welcoming and gave us the run down on their company, their products, and the “phygital” (physical and digital) side of their company. We presented …
I have been working on the preliminary poster while my team has been working on the CAD of our 2 design concepts. With the help of our advisor the poster has been changed quite a bit from my first version. Brennan and myself are working on the Cube Creator while Ian and Maria are working on the Smart Soldier. Brennan …
Two Ideas for Internet of Toys
This past week my team chose a new name. It went from “Smart Toys” to “IoToys” which stands for Internet of Toys. The name basically encapsulates the purpose behind undergoing this project where we want to create a toy that bridges the digital and physical worlds that a young kid can interact with and learn. Right now, we have come …
A Nod to the Classics
Veni, vidi, vici Three words. One goal. The phrase means “I came, I saw, I conquered” and right now, we are in the process of seeing. Toy ideas are difficult to come by when you’re trying to incorporate every element of everybody’s childhood, when you’re trying to come up with the ideal concept, when you’re trying to make the perfect …
Let Them Play!
TOYS. I like to think in certain aspects I have not allowed myself to grow up, playing with toys being one of those aspects. Toys are one of those things that makes people happy. It can bring out creativity, encourage sharing and positive interactions with others, teach in a more hands-on way. When I heard about this project at the …