The Electrical Team has completed energy calculations to determine the required motor horsepower for a range of velocities, masses, and aerodynamic drag. They have also compared the required energy with the solar output in order to begin with energy management strategies. They are still in their research phase, but have finalized their decisions on some major components, including the motor, motor controller, and charge controller (MPPT). They plan to build a scale solar array and battery system, complete with an MPPT and battery protection system in time for the design review during Week 10. On top of building this scale system, they plan to perform tests to determine the actual output of the solar cells, the capacity of the batteries, and the time it takes to charge the battery system using only solar energy. Finally, the Electrical Team has created their first design of a battery box in SolidWorks, but will be optimizing the design for better fit in the chassis and better thermal management. A big issue they are facing is the battery box placement; putting the box in the back will make the car too back-heavy and cause instability towards the front of the car, while putting the box in the front will result in a cluttered and overly complex system as they would have to wire the battery system of the motors in the rear wheels.