We do some more research about the relationships between torque, linkage lengths and torsional springs at different angle. It turns out that when we increase or decrease the linkage lengths, the angle does not matter and the whole torque that the patients feel will increase or decrease the same amount and any angle. However, the result is not the same …
Blog Week 9
This week, we do some more research about the relationship between wrists and torsional springs. The stiffness (K) value of stroke patients is higher than normal people because of the hardness of moving wrists around. There would be a difference in K value. At first, the standard for choosing torsional springs is matching the frequency of normal people. Then we …
Blog Week 8
For this week, we do some more research about the theory behind the physical mechanism of the hand device. We found out that the natural frequency of human hand is around 1 Hz, so the objective of the torsional springs’ frequency would be around that 1 Hz. However, because of frictions and torque lengths, it would change our expected frequency. …
Blog Week 7
We have finished the application for UROP. This week we decide to make 3 linkages steel or aluminum. We go to a machine shop and they ask for a 2D measurements of the three parts we want to make. For one simple linkage, we make it by ourself. The other two we convert CAD files into drawing files. We also …
Blog Week 6
This week we work on choosing the right spring, how to make/change metal handle, and how much to adjust the location of the spring holder. For the spring, we are going to choose torsion springs based on the Torque, Spring Diameter, and Wire Diameter. We will purchase a several springs with different measurements to make sure have the best fit …
Wirst Exo Week #5
Hi everyone, for this week, our wrist exo team met up with Dr. Reinkensmeyer to talk about our ideas for our design and to see if the design was feasible. We came up with a couple of ideas such as using rings and springs to pull the hands back. Dr. Reinkensmeyer then showed us a study a graduate student did …
Wrist Exo Week 4 Blog
In this week, we kept doing research on the Wrist Exo project. Based on previous meeting with Doctor Terry Wang and Professor David Reinkensmeyer, we gradually determine the direction of research and project. We made up a patient/doctor survey so that it will be easier for us to know the user’s’ needs, requirements and expectations. What is more, we established …
Introducing Wrist Exoskeleton: Cause, Designs, Purpose & Goals
In this week we started working on the wrist exoskeleton project. In the beginning, we do a lot of research on background of the wrist exoskeleton. Some people, who suffered from cerebral palsy, stroke, drop-wrist or damage to the nerve in the forearm, may cannot stretch their wrist and fingers during the rest situation. This will cause some unwanted joint …
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