Beginning Of A New Quarter

nzurlind 2015-2016 Rescue Robotics Challenge

So here we are the first blog post. Yes a bit late but we will summarize what Rescue Robotics accomplished last quarter, where we are at now, and what the future holds. If you have any interest in joining our project read this post first to get an idea of what we actually do. Last quarter everyone was new to …

Jan 2016 And away we go!

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

The S.P.A.M team is ready to go this quarter! We had both our UROP and our MDP funding approved. Our first moves will be to purchase the equipment necessary to grind the plastics we wish to recycle and then begin testing how those plastics that are recycled perform when being used as filament. To test the recycled plastics we will …

Week 10: Fuel Cell Data Center

gcobos 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center, Project Learning

Our MATLAB team has been working away at creating a model that allows us to find the payback period for a fully solar model. We have also been researching how fuel cells work so that we can properly model the fuel cell component of the system. Fuel cells are complicated and only one of our teammates has taken the fuel …

Competition Time!

EngineerAlvara 2015-2016 Exosuit

As we come closer to the end of Fall quarter, we are excited to be prototyping!! After working on our research poster, as well as our prototype, we are also approaching the deadline for the submission of our application for WearRAcon 16!! EXOSUIT is working tirelessly towards the improvement our prototype by getting all the necessary components to be a …


aamargo 2015-2016 IoToys

I have been working on the preliminary poster while my team has been working on the CAD of our 2 design concepts. With the help of our advisor the poster has been changed quite a bit from my first version. Brennan and myself are working on the Cube Creator while Ian and Maria are working on the Smart Soldier. Brennan …

Week 8 & 9 Fuel Cell Data Center

gcobos 2015-2016, 2015-2016 Fuel Cell Data Center, Project Achievements, Project Learning

During Week 8, we took apart some of the exhaust system of the fuel cell to troubleshoot why this portion of the cooling system does not work. After electrically testing the exhaust fan, we found that the fan works but the potentiometer does not work. We have designed a solar panel array structure and are awaiting confirmation with our advisor …

AFRL: Thermal Orientation Test Bed Heat Pipe Week 7 Update

Willis Zhang 2015-2016 AFRL Thermal Orientation Test Bed, 2015-2016, Project Achievements

After Week 7, our main designs for the structure has been finalized. We are also finalizing our list of purchases, so we can start getting things purchased. Our initial projections were estimated to be about $15,000; however, after talking to AFRL, they will be able to help provide some materials and electronics that will help us reduce the costs of …

A First Glimpse at Savage!

zmilbourn 2015-2016, 2015-2016 FSAE Racecar Savage, Competition

After many long nights of design work, Savage is finally coming together! It was tough for the team to strike a balance while juggling midterms, designing the new car, fixing the old car, and of course living the oh-so-vibrant social lives us engineers live. However, seeing the first rendering of Savage made it all worth it and the team is …

Check Out Our First Render of Raider!

roachr 2015-2016, 2015-2016 Baja SAE Racecar Raider

Well, would you look at that! Raider is slowly but surely coming together. Most of the team has been swamped with hammering out their designs for the past few weeks and so it wasn’t until just today that we took a step back to see how things were coming together. While there’s obviously a lot that hasn’t been included the …

Circular UAV Project : Week 7

zzou1 2015-2016, 2015-2016 Circular UAV

For the past week, our Circular UAV team 1) Reviewed our progress with peers and faculties. 2) Continued on the CAD model. 3) Worked on the poster for Fall Design Review. 4) Learned how to perform a flow simulation. 5) Planned out manufacturing techniques We will have the poster for Fall Design Review done by the following week. We will …