Autonomous Boat Week 6 Update

pcanler 2016-2017 Autonomous Boat

Autonomous Boat Week 6 Update

It’s week 6 and the team is continuing the construction of the powertrain systems. The goal is to have the craft finished by the end of this quarter so that it can complete its journey from California to Catalina. We have everyone working on their own respective parts and the categories below best summarize the overall group’s effort.

The photo shows the rudder system that the Steering Assembly subteam has come up with.

Powertrain Assembly
-Roughly 50% of the work has been done on the powertrain.
-Driveshaft will be finalized this Friday.
-Once propeller arrives, we will come up with a system to properly secure it to the shaft.

Steering Assembly
-Subteam has created rudder from steel plate.
-Waiting for more parts to come into the lab.
-Will be assembled into the boat by this Saturday.

Control Systems
-Controls team will be working on the coding on Saturday night and ensuring that the controls actuate the rudder.

Energy Storage & Consumption
-Waiting for quote on custom fuel bladder.
-Exploring cogeneration capabilities including thermoelectric couplers.

Design and Research / Other
-Purchased propeller on 2/13 and waiting for it to come in.
-Waiting to hear back from UCI Communications Steve Chang about coverage on our project.


Finish up the construction of the drive shaft system.
Come up with Solidworks stress analyses proving the model can handle the torque on the engine in a fluid.
Install actuator system into boat.
Do initial testing in Balboa Bay this weekend.