To start off the new quarter, UAV Forge is jumping headfirst back into work. During the break, Forge has seen slight shifts in membership and leadership. The most significant of these changes are the promotion of Willy Chang to Chief Engineer of the Avionics and Ground Station teams and the promotions of Patrick Chung and Matthew Novencido to team leads of the Aerodynamics and Avionics Teams respectively.
During the break, assembly of the Sig-T model plane has seen significant progress thanks to DeQuan and the structures team and it is about 90% complete. A better file system has been created and implemented by the project leadership.
In the final portion of the break, a budget plan was drawn up to handle and define the spending limits for each team. Otherwise, work has been resumed and each team is finding times in which all members can meet for this quarter.
Kenzo Spaulding UAV Forge Documentation Officer