These past two weeks have been a journey so far. As the Documentation Manager of this year’s Pet Feeder Industry project, I shall bring you all along the ups and downs of our expedition to the end. The first week entailed of our team getting to know each other more and assigning certain responsibilities to better organize the roles of each member. Within our amazing team we have Kitcia Juanche Aguilar as our Team Lead, Xinyi Fan as our Safety Manager, George Saad as our Purchasing Manager and last but not least, Rahim Siddiq as the Documentation Manager. After assigning these roles, we began to prepare for our first meeting with the Sponsors of this project. This preparation for the Sponsors included hours of market research on the pet-feeder industry, communication with our Mentor, Terry Wang, and brainstorming. From our knowledge, we prepared a persona that represented our target audience and customer needs for the product pertaining to an AUTOMATIC Pet Feeder. Emphasis on the Automatic part. We met with the Sponsors, Maria Bromme and Ashley Miliotta, (they were amazing) and after much discussion and clarity of the direction of the project, we find out that they had no intention of the pet-feeder being automatic. *Oops*. They were very kind enough to continue to clarify any misunderstandings we had as well as guide us through the entire project to see that if we had a clear vision of the end goal. After the meeting, the team got together and updated the customer needs list according to the Sponsors’ requests and clarifications. We are very excited to see how this next week plays out as we begin the process of coming up with a design.