This week was our first meeting for Winter Quarter 2017. Over break, we contacted members of last year’s team who built the original Rover 6 robot for help on our copy. After receiving instructions over break, we reconfigured our second Rover 6 in this week’s meetings. In addition, we were able to name the 3 6-wheeled chassis, “Carlorado”, as we are part of the CARL lab, and the robots were developed and tested by our advisor in Colorado with an experimental logic chip. We also set the game plan for this coming quarter, and discussed some of the challenges that we will possibly encounter. We want to test out bump sensors and whiskers, possibly even LIDAR, on the Carlorado chassis. Implementing these sensors will, on the hardware side at least, be relatively simple. The software side is where our team will have the biggest challenge. Out of our team of three, none of us has any significant programming experience, therefore we plan to attack sensor implementation and further app development like we would Lego blocks. One thing at a time. By the end of this quarter, we plan to have all 3 Carlorado’s running autonomously, with some form of communication between the three of them. This will by far and away be the biggest challenge, but with the use of online Java tutorials and GitHub, we aren’t hopeless.