Kyle Williams- AFRL Thermal Orientation Test Bed
This week our team continued to work on both the motor controls for the test bed and the modifications that need to be made to the frame. The controls team is almost finished with their motor controls, however, one of the only things holding them back is figuring out whether a limit switch is needed for the controls system for the motor. Currently they are researching limit switches and are figuring out whether they will be needed. On the manufacturing side of things, the team has developed a prototype motor mount for the system’s motor. The current motor that we have is designed to be vertically integrated, however we are integrating it horizontally, which is why the mount is required. The frame rotation also experience interference with one of the shaft mounts and the motor so the team will be working to shorten the frame slightly so that the interference is taken care of. The manufacturing team is focused on being very diligent with their measurements and modifications to prevent any errors or delays with the development of the project. We have learned things from previous mistakes on the project which will help with future development. As of now though, the team is on track with our goals and we are looking forward to moving on with the testing of the system.