Using software such as COMSOL and Satellite Tool Kit (STK), we are able to model the UCI-CubeSAT to obtain theoretical data. By comparing theoretical data to experimental data, it is ideal to achieve results with less than 3% error. The ultimate goal is to model the spacecraft in space environment conditions to optimize the design of the CubeSAT. Currently, the software team is using COMSOL to study the heat conduction and radiation produce by the radiators, which are enclosed within a vacuum chamber. Referring to the picture above, the COMSOL model has been setup with the proper material specification, temperature and power parameters, and has been meshed. The next step is to run the simulation of the model and obtain data that can be compared to the hardware team. The team is also using STK to model the CubeSAT and obtain data of face temperatures and maximum/minimum eclipse with orbits that range from +/- 10 degrees of polar inclination. The data outputted from STK will allow us to choose the ideal orbit for the CubeSAT.
By Abdullaah Tarif, Spacecraft Thermal Systems