Solar Airplane Winter Quarter Week 1

btheilac 2016-2017 Solar Airplane

Hello readers, This quarter, the team will begin manufacturing and assembling the plane after several preliminary tests are conducted using our model featured in this blog post. The Conscendo S 1.5m RTF features a 4 channel 2.4 GHz transmitter and controller , Li-Po battery and 370-size brushless motor. We decided to go with a model tester to figure out how …

Wrist Exo Week 1

Hieu Nguyen 2016-2017 Wrist Exoskeleton

This week, our group had two meetings to discuss about what have done and what will be done in this quarter. We contacted the machine shop to process our parts. In addition, we needed to do a 3D Scanning of a real hand to stimulate the whole system. Some molding materials are needed and already purchased; we will finish a …


kwragg 2016-2017 UCI BAJA SAE BANDIT

Rolling into the beginning of Winter quarter the Baja team sets its quarterly milestones, restructures the team, and begins work to reach their goals. Goals for both the Team and Subsystem level were made knowing that the competition is vastly approaching. (April 27, 2017) Testing and real world data is paramount when the team presents its engineering designs and process …

Greywater Recycling Weeks 10+Finals

bmarcone 2016-2017 Greywater Recycling

The group worked hard to get a lot done during week 10 and finals week. First and foremost, we had the fall design review. Our poster was well organized and easy on the eyes, and we were able to talk to a few people about our project. Overall, the event went pretty smoothly. Around the same time, we hammered out …

Week 10: End of Quarter Achievements and Future Goals

louieaj 2016-2016 UAV Forge, 2016-2017, 2015-2016 UAV Forge, Project Learning, Project Achievements, 2016-2017 UAV Forge

With final exams chasing our heels, UAV Forge wraps it up for the year. Here are the last tasks the teams have completed and their goals for next quarter. The Propulsion team has nearly completed a prototype structure of the tilt rotor set up. They have confirmed that the tandem software for the tilt rotor controller is working, but the …

BAJA SAE – BANDIT Fall Design Review

kwragg 2016-2017 UCI BAJA SAE BANDIT

Hopefully everyone got a chance to see the new BAJA SAE car! The 2016-2017 Baja Team made their goal of getting the car rolling for the design review along with mounting the drive-train and steering column. The team has put over 2000 hours into the design, validation, and manufacturing of this vehicle thus far.

Solar Airplane Fall Quarter Wrap-Up

btheilac 2016-2017 Solar Airplane

This past Friday, we were able to participate in the Engineering Senior Design Peer Review and present our project as well as explore other projects. Reviewing other projects’ posters gave us insight to team structure conditions, timelines, budgets and some intellectual properties set forth by various teams. It also gave us a moment to ponder what has been done and …

Walking Perturber Week 10 Progress

gajuarez 2016-2017 Walking Perturber

For week 10 of our project, we focused on compiling the lab report as requested by our advisor. At our weekly group meeting, we created a Google drive file so that all group members could edit the report simultaneously. We began by first identifying the background of our project. In brief, our project is structured around the fact that as …

Rescue Robotics Final Meeting

npereir1 2016-2017 Rescue Robotics Ground Team

This weeks last meetings had us working on the development of the Rover5 platform. We reverse-engineered the existing model, and built up a second- however the wiring posed a challenge. It was unclear about the orientation of the robot chassis (front/back) due to the design of the kit. This led to some issues when drilling the holes in the laser-cut …