Week 2 Drone Tethering Team – Tension Controller

tomta9 2017-2018 Drone Tethering

Hi Everyone, Here is a weekly update on the winter quarter progress of the drone tethering team. Last week, each member were assigned roles in 4 subteams, comprising of (1) the control system, (2) the circuitry, (3) the encapsulment, and (4) the reeling system design. The control team is responsible for implementing a PID control to provide constant tension on …

Week 2 Solar Tracking


Hello everyone, The solar tracking team has been continuously working on the prototype that the manufacturing subteam created. We attached the two solar sensors and were able to test them out in the outdoors. When the test was conducted, the weather was a bit cloudy so we did see that the sensors were not 100% accurate. In the coming weeks …

CanSat Telemetry Subsystem Winter Break Progress

ashtofen 2017-2018 UCI CanSat

As we enter a new quarter we are currently shifting gears from talking about the project and designing plans to prototype and create, into doing just that, prototyping and creating something that can be held and touched in the physical world This week, our sensor subsystem is complete after we came back from the break. We will definately be moving …

UAV Forge Winter Week 1: Returning from Winter Break

kdspauld 2017-2018 UAV Forge

To start off the new quarter, UAV Forge is jumping headfirst back into work. During the break, Forge has seen slight shifts in membership and leadership. The most significant of these changes are the promotion of Willy Chang to Chief Engineer of the Avionics and Ground Station teams and the promotions of  Patrick Chung and Matthew Novencido to team leads …

week 1 —First RespondAir


After returning from winter break, our team has confirmed the participants changes, completed the enrollment and set up the goal of this quarter. The primary goal of this quarter is about design and fabrication. In the first place, we need to finish the design of motor mount. We have to do this first in order to finalize where the weight …

FSAE Electric Racecar Winter Week 1: Motor Housing

Christopher Chen 2017-2018, 2017-2018 FSAE Electric Racecar

Over winter break, the electric racecar team made significant progress designing and updating parts on the racecar. As Winter Quarter begins, we will enter the manufacturing phase and begin assembling and ordering parts for the racecar. This week, Michael Habana will describe the motor housings and the reasoning behind his design. The motor housing serves three main purposes: protecting the …

CanSat Week 1: Soft Landings


As fall turns to winter, our focus has changed from preliminary designs to prototyping. Our CanSat structure consists of an aluminum frame, surrounded by an air cushion which inflates during descent. The cushion serves to protect our payload, as well as open the CanSat’s aerodynamic shield. Progress has been made on both fronts. Since our CanSat has to slide out …

Week 1 Update: AIAA Design/Build/Fly

rnluu Uncategorized

Over the winter break, the UCI DBF team worked on developing the competition aircraft. Members who were available over the break worked on testing subcomponents, solidfying integration plans, and analysis of the overall design. After thoughtful discussion with advisors,  the team concluded that our plane was overbuilt and that we could consider other manufacturing techniques and materials that could help …

Week 1: Starting a New Quarter


After returning from winter break, the Solar Tracking Team has reconvened to start developing the first prototype of the quarter. 3 new teams were created: Electrical/Sensor team, Manufacturing team, and the Programming team. In the electrical/sensor team are Ryan Carter and Kashif Laurie, in the manufacturing team are Carlos Ayala, Matt Tseng, and Devin Frerichs, and in the programming team …

UAV Forge Week 9 : Progress Report, New Project Structure

kdspauld 2017-2018 UAV Forge

With the quarter nearing closure, a few major changes have been decided within UAV Forge to allow the team to move into next quarter with new vigor and resolution. In these past few weeks, the Aerodynamics team has been working on determining the viability of using the Sig-T kit plane as a testing platform for Avionics’ hardware. The Propulsion team …