Hello everyone, Last week we talked to our sponsor and project advisor and sent the purchase order for the bowl. We are also getting ready for Peer Review Presentations. The bowl ordered will not come with the necessary tooling for our fasteners, so the Bowl Feeder Sub team did research on the different types of tooling to be prepared to …
Solar Tracking Week 7
Hello everyone, The Solar Tracking team has been able to fix the gear system for the azimuth rotation. With that being fixed, we were able to do tests to measure the power consumption of the motor with the solar panel attached. We did additional experiments with the actual solar sensors attached to simulate the actual scanning movement of the panel. …
Week 7 Drone Tethering Team – Approaching MVP Prototype
Hi everyone, Last week, we received most of our equipment needed to begin manufacturing our MVP Prototype. We have spent these past two weeks taking what we learned from our proof of concept to improve upon our design. In order to get the most efficiency out of our short time, we divided our work meetings to the manufacturing team and …
CanSat Winter Week 7: Preparation for the Teleconference
With our upcoming teleconference next Monday, we have been practicing our Preliminary Design Review presentation multiple times throughout this week. Each member of the team is assigned specific sections from the following: Introduction, Systems, Overview, Sensor Subsystem Design, Descent Control Design, Mechanical Subsystem Design, Communications and Data Handling, Electrical Power Subsystem Design, Flight Software Design, Ground Control System, Integration and …
FSAE Electric Racecar Winter Week 6: Rear Suspension
Last week, the FSAE Electric Racecar team was able to finish the design of our telemetry hardware. While there still is some code to write, we will now have the ability to track the condition of the various components of the car. This is a major step forward as the data we gather using the telemetry system will allow us …
Spacecraft Thermal Management – Week 7
UPDATES From Week 4 – Week 6 Hello Again, The Thermal Spacecraft Team has major updates since last time! Congratulations to the Tungsten Oxide Team, one of their slides managed to change color during an experimental test run last week! The test run conducted this week was more observation based rather than experimental. The testing team will hope to continue …
UAV Forge Winter Week 6: Gathered Telemetry
After a successful flight test last Sunday (February 11) which collected telemetry and tested the fly-by-wire functionality of the PixHawk on the Sig-T, the team has been preparing for further testing on the Sig-T and are researching the many kit planes and their potential to be modified to better suit the mission presented by Auvsi Suas. Also, the project partnered …
BAJA SAE Racecar Week 6: Chassis
This week we started working on one of our biggest milestones: fully welding the chassis. We want to have a running car as soon as possible. Team lead Andres Olmedo is in charge of welding, but the team has helped a lot in prepping the chassis for the welding process, as well as prepping the subassemblies. Stepping into the welding …
CanSat Winter Week 6: Preliminary Design Review – Descent Control
For the competition, it is necessary to have a function to control the descent of the CanSat safely and accurately. A design without any descent control is a very risky gamble. We started out with a passive control design with the intent of letting the shape of the CanSat and parachute do the work in slowing the system down, but …
Week 6 Solar Tracking
Hello everyone, This week, the solar tracking team was able to get most of the central column and the base with the motors and gears. But, there were unexpected complications when we took it out to testing, so we will be working on fixing that on week 7. We hope to still get all hardware connections done by the end …