UAV Forge Spring Week 4: Prototyping and Flight test

kdspauld 2017-2018 UAV Forge

This week was largely a continuation on the work being done in the previous week. The most significant to emerge was the mounting of avionics components for the flight test on Sunday. This comes with some difficulty as the plane was damaged in an accident earlier this week. It sustained damage in the tail in the form of a hairline …

Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle – Spring Week 5

whoo 2017-2018 Flapping MAV

We’re halfway into the spring quarter! I hope everyone is making good progress in their projects, as we have in our FWMAV team. Here are our accomplishments for week 5: The mechanical team has redesigned one of our mechanisms with a new gear system and new linkages. The CAD models are done, and we have 3D-printed the new gears to …



Our airplane design team researched material to enforce and proceeded to order fiberglass in order to reinforce the plane. As for the progress of the plane, we were only able to remove the pylons of the wing as well as obtain dimensions in order to do the calculations. This is important because we are continuing to derive the stall angle …

Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle – Spring Week 4


Hello everyone. This is FWMAV’s first blog post and we hope to continue this new form of communication moving forward. With the quarter already underway, our team has a few new goals in mind that we wish to accomplish. Starting with our Quadflapper team, we would like to continue our performance testing and see if we can find ways to …

LIBRA Week 3


By the end of the third week on Friday, we received our model RC airplane that we ordered, the DC-3. The next steps we need to take are the modifications: reinforcing the foam material to withstand wind tunnel conditions, reinforcing the bottom in order to withstand the mount, and start considering design modifications so we can fit the oscillatory mechanism …

BAJA SAE Racecar Week 3

Andres Olmedo Uncategorized

It’s a Baja car! We’ve begun installing body panels using quarter turn fasteners and the Sparkboa gearbox is oiled up and in place. With both the body and the powertrain almost finished, we’re close to entering the testing phase in the last five weeks to competition. We’re looking forward to finally testing Marauder and getting live data from the track!