Mechanical Updates

ashtofen 2017-2018 UCI CanSat

This week, our Mechanical sub-team came up with a new design for the probe structure, release mechanism, and speed control mechanism. At the general meeting on Monday, we received various suggestions from other members of CanSat that give us better insights on how to improve the overall design. Pros of the current design: The design is easy to manufacture with …

Revision Control and Mechanical Updates

ashtofen 2017-2018 UCI CanSat

This week, our project infrastructure received a major upgrade. We started a UCI GitHub repository for code, CAD, and ANSYS files! At our general meeting, Khoi, our circuits engineer, trained the rest of our team on using the repository and GitHub desktop app. GitHub serves several important functions in our project: 1. It allows both local version control, and sharing …

CanSat – A new beginning

ashtofen 2017-2018 UCI CanSat

See that little guy up there, he can only handle 32 kb’s of information at a time. He is the center, no, the crux, the heart of of this project. Now that I have your attention, I should start by saying that this project, CanSat, is a brand new team/senior design project for UCI. We pitched our project to Professor …

Week 10-11: Summarizing Project Accomplishments, Year-Long Planning

louieaj 2016-2017, Project Achievements, 2016-2017 UAV Forge

In our last week, UAV Forge has made tangible progress since the beginning of the quarter: a frame and electronics housing. These final products exhibit the magnitude and scale of our work. During our last project meeting, the quarter grading session was scheduled on Saturday, where the teams meet with the Project Lead (Cheng) and Project Manager to discuss each …

Creaform Helped the Autonomous Boat Project!

pcanler 2016-2017 Autonomous Boat

Creaform, a company that specializes in high-quality 3D scanning, has been a tremendous help to our project. The UCI Autonomous Boat team was tasked with a daunting challenge of modeling our jet ski hull in Solidworks. Completing this on our own would have required hundreds of hours and the final result would not have looked good.   They were gracious …

Week 10 Spring – Project X

snmoreno 2016-2017 Integrated Pet Feeder for Health and Wellness

Although the exterior has been build minor modifications are still being made to place all component accordingly in the interior of the body. We have also been working on trouble shooting all the components and connecting all together. In working with electric components, specifications need to be read carefully to ensure that the correct voltage and amperage are given to …

Week 9: EECS Course Creation, New Tilt-Rotor Plane Base

louieaj 2016-2017, 2016-2017 UAV Forge

UAV Forge has been a project that caters to many engineering departments, including MAE, EECS, and CompSci. The issue is, anyone in the EECS or CompSci, couldn’t receive design credit because there was no actual class in their discipline; there was MAE 195 but that was considered independent study. Ariel, the incoming Project Lead, contacted Professor Pai Chou, the administrator …

Week 8: Quadcopter Prototype Improvements, Electronics Wiring Discussion, and Pixhawk 2 Calibration

louieaj 2016-2017, 2016-2017 UAV Forge

The Propulsion team worked on improving the quadcopter prototype. They successfully tested that the quad can “loiter” or hover in space while still adapting to the surrounding conditions. Before, the quad was drifting forward. During that previous test, Cheng found that the “trim” calibrator on the radio controller could fix the drifting temporary but it was a bad sign that …

Week 8 Spring – Project X

snmoreno 2016-2017 Integrated Pet Feeder for Health and Wellness

In trying to incorporate all subsystems into one, we had a few glitches in our main controls. One of the main issue that arise in the integration was a non-responsive relay. The signal send by our touch screen was not going through to the relay, the solenoid nor the pump were actuating. Unfortunately, the delay function that was used for …