Autonomous Boat Week 4 Update

pcanler 2016-2017 Autonomous Boat

Autonomous Boat Week 4 Update

It’s week 4 of Spring Quarter and we are preparing the boat for a launch by the end of June. We have everyone working on their own respective parts and the categories below best summarize the overall group’s effort.

The photo shows this week’s progress made by the solidworks team to fully assembly the

Mechanical Assembly
-Mount throttle actuator control (used to kill the engine if necessary)

-Solidworks model will be complete by the end of week 4

Rudder Assembly
-Rebuilding rudder system
-Mounting actuator in the boat this week

Control Systems
-Waiting for electronics to be installed by the end of week 5 in order to start testing autonomy
-Testing coding and making the actuator work properly

Energy Storage & Consumption
-Exploring custom fuel bladder options
-Making sure connection between fuel tank and fuel line is waterproofed

Design and Research / Other
-Continued investigation into possible sponsorships and outreach opportunities
-Partnership with Creaform to provide exposure for their company