Signature Pages

Pledge for Excellence

I, _________________________________, as a team member of the

___________________________________________________________ Project,

acknowledge that I have read all of the handbook material. I understand the goals of the program and accept my role as a student member of the UCI MAE senior design projects program.

_______________________________________________              _____________________

Signature / Printed Name                                                       Date


Each individual team member agrees to a role and responsibility and a shared sense of purpose in pursuing the project objective. I, _________________________________, will help make my team’s project a success by committing to the following guidelines:

  1. Perform professionally.
  2. Participate in the formation of an effective team structure with agreed upon leaders.
  3. Play a role in developing a process by which consensus decisions can be made and implemented.
  4. Participate in effective team meetings where everyone’s opinions and ideas are heard
  5. Be a good team member and encourage others to be the same.
  6. Hold myself and others accountable for our respective responsibilities.
  7. Hold myself and others to ethical standards in all areas of the project.
  8. Follow the design process with a strong focus on “defining the problem” and meeting established benchmarks including project deliverables.
  9. Create and adhere to a project schedule.
  10. Use time management skills to complete assigned tasks on time and with high quality.
  11. Commit to achieving the learning outcomes paying particular attention to professional development.
  12. Develop an understanding when to seek advice and assistance from project advisors especially in the area of technical resources to understand and solve the design problem.
  13. Take care of the spaces that I work in and all tools and materials that I work with.
  14. Attend all team meetings and be flexible with my schedule to allow for mutually convenient meeting times.
  15. Participate in all formative assessment activities.
  16. Participate in all MAE189 Senior Design Project activities.
  17. Provide constructive feedback to course instructors to improve the program.

_______________________________________________              _____________________

Signature / Printed Name                                                       Date

I, _________________________________, will conduct myself in a professional manner and to abide by the provisions in the UCI Code of Student Conduct. I will represent myself in a professional manner in forums that have public access. This includes information posted on social networking sites such as Facebook. Information on these pages is often screened by potential employers, and unprofessional material can have a negative impact on job or graduate school prospects. I will appreciate diversity, and will conduct myself professionally with members of the same or opposite gender and/or from different ethnicities, religions, and cultures.

_______________________________________________              _____________________

Signature / Printed Name                                                       Date

Click to Download Pledge for Excellence Document

Liability Waiver

The MAE Student Design Projects (SDP) Program, though administered and supported through UC Irvine, often subjects participants to activities beyond the scope of normal student activity.  By the nature of the program, participants subject themselves to certain risks and conditions which increase the possibility of personal harm. Activities with inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the following:

1) Fabrication of parts and/or support equipment related to team projects and use of tooling related to project assembly; extreme risk is incurred in the use of power equipment and participants not properly trained to operate power equipment SHOULD NOT attempt to operate such equipment.

2) Assembly, repair, testing, and operation of project components, associated devices, the project itself, and support equipment at UC Irvine or affiliated testing locations.

3) Travel related to testing and competition including operation of the project itself, support vehicles, and support equipment. Increased risk is incurred in the operation of the projects in  competition settings..

Participants in MAE SDP will spend extended periods of time working with their team, and supervision by UC Irvine coordinators will be minimal.  Participants will be personally responsible for their day-to-day activities and for ensuring their health and safety during the program performance period.

Although participation in an MAE SDP is required for an MAE degree at UC Irvine, no student is required to perform any potentially hazardous tasks or any task that the student is uncomfortable with. A prospective participant who is concerned about any of the risks or conditions described in this document or related to the program should address those concerns to the XYZ Office in the School of Engineering. Participants are encouraged to have all their questions and concerns addressed before committing to a particular project within the Program.

I verify that I currently have and will continue to maintain adequate medical insurance either through the university or another source.

Click to Download Liability Waiver

Team Membership Information

Team leads will be provided with access to an electronic form to fill in their team membership information. They need to collect the signed Liability Waivers and signed Pledge for Excellence forms from every team member, and bring the entire packet to Tatum Rodriguez at the front desk of the EG3200 office suite. This is required for every quarter that your project is active.

Please contact Tatum Rodriguez if you did not receive access to the form.