By: Nghi Nguyen, Date: 02/13/2018
- A process that improves strength, stability, insulation, appearance, or other properties from the use of different composite materials. It is mostly used to produce composite panels and sheet goods. It is an automated process where reinforced materials are fused with resin and guided through a conveyor process, where it is pressed together forming rolls to control the thickness and resin content. Down the line of the conveyor, the material is heated to cure the resin to the composite panel. It is then cooled to produce the final product. Link to Continuous Lamination Process:
The word laminate comes from the Latin word “lamina,” which means a thin piece of metal or wood, thin slice, or layer.
Inventor of lamination was Ismail al-Jazari (1100-1200 CE). He used lamination of timber to minimize warping.
Lamination was a popular process by the archives in the 1930’s to 1970’s. The process involved de-acidifying, which is to prevent degradation of paper, a document by fussing it between thin sheets of plastic, usually cellulose acetate, in a heated press.
- Produce composite products such as opaque or translucent, flat or corrugated paneling, truck trailer paneling, refrigerator liners, sanitary paneling, road signs, insulation, waterproofing and other similar products.
- Appearance: floor graphic, wall graphic, flexible displays, outdoor signs.
- Pros: Durability - resistance to impact, great look, versatility – can be installed over many substrates including concrete, wood, metal.
- Cons: Need proper installation from professional.
- Truck trailer paneling
- Sanitary paneling
- Road signs
Process Details
- High output automated machines combine the reinforcement material and resin on a plastic film that is pulled through the process. A second plastic film is applied to allow mixing and remove excess air by a compaction roller.
- The composite material is cured in the oven and then cool to complete the fusing process. Panels are trimmed to width and cut to length automatically. Special surfaces are created using pattern films that are later removed.
- Polyester and acrylic modified polyester are primary resins for continuous lamination.