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Add details.The world of hot air balloonist has designed their burners solely off craftsmanship and not through engineering design and concepts, so the combustion efficiency is unknown and not optimized.
Add details.The goal of this project is to first design a test rig to analyze the combustion efficiency of a hot air balloon burner, which propagates a flame of approximately nine inches in diameter and 12-15 feet in height. Next, is to analyze the combustion efficiency and find the optimized burn time and lastly modify the design of the burner for greater combustion efficiency
Add details.Creative methods; based on the efficiency results of the MK-32 burner, the methodology being used to provide concrete results of the burner’s flame emissions. Design; the stability of the structure, which correlates to the safety of the user can provide a detailed plan that was implemented to design, assemble and construct such a structure. The innovation comes from such design analysis that can be implemented in a similar fashion when it comes to redesigning the burner based on engineering principles, since the burner design is mostly based on craftsmanship.
Add details.Once the burner has been analyzed and improvements have been made, then the design of an optimized burner will lead to improved air quality, reduced fuel consumption, and reduce the overhead cost of hot air balloon operations.
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Team Lead
Name: Nicolas Auwaijan
Email: nauwaija@uci.edu
Safety Manager
Name: Adrian Velasco
Email: ajvelas1@uci.edu
Name: Leo Salgado
Email: lssalgad@uci.edu
Document Manager
Name: Alec Ryan Carruthers
Email: carrutha@uci.edu
Purchasing Manager
Initial Project Information
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Field of Interest
To build and design a test rig to allow proper measurements of combustion efficiency for a hot air balloon burner using an emission analyzer.
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Email student lead
Derek Dunn-Rankin
Professor, Advisor