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Objective 1: Model Circuit Diagram and Sensor Casing
Using SolidWorks, create a CAD model of the components: temperature probe, casing, Arduino, battery pack and necessary wires. 3-D print the casing to demonstrate the appearance and feel of the product.
Objective 2: Develop a Working iOS App and User Interface (UI)
Create a software program for the Arduino that can relay data i n real-time to a mobile app. Design an easy to use and visually appealing UI iOS app for consumers to communicate with the E-thermosensor.
Objective 3: Testing and Analysis
Test the accuracy and range of the wireless thermal sensor and compare to design specifications. Analyze the delay in transmitted data and make modifications, if necessary. Design and construct other practical applications of the E-Thermosensor.
2) Ease and accessibility of the product with using a pre-owned device (i.e. mobile phone)
# | Name | Email Address | Position | LinkedIn Address |
1 | Anthony Lum | lumag@uci.edu | Team Lead | |
2 | Youngjae Kweon | ykweon@uci.edu | Safety Officer | |
3 | Steven Luong | thluong1@uci.edu | Document Manager | |
4 | Samuel Cabrera | cabrers3@uci.edu | Purchasing Manager | |
5 | Ban Lan | blan1@uci.edu | Team Member |

Name: Sohee Oh
Email: soo1@uci.edu
Team Lead

Name: Dmitriy Gutnik
Email: dgutnik@uci.edu
Safety Manager

Name: Katie Kim
Email: kathlek1@uci.edu
Purchasing & Documentation Manager
Initial Project Information
Project ID#
Course Code
Project Type
Field of Interest
Students will design a wireless thermocouple and use mobile phones to measure temperature.
Maximum Number of Students
contact advisor
Additional Information
Flexible 1-4 units
Contact Method
email advisor

Yun Wang
Professor, Advisor