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1. Work to make one section of the rod stay at room temperature given one side is at high temperatures and the other at low temperatures
2. We are working on a way to create a control system that will shut off the power when it gets too high, for safety.
3. Run various rod designs through ANSYS to determine which shape is the most efficient in dissipating heat.
4. Test out different materials of the rod, to determine which combination of shape/material works best.
5. We need to create a high temperature sink. We are working on getting our heat source to put out 500-1000W.
# | Name | Email Address | Position | LinkedIn Address |
1 | Matthew Hastings | hastingm@uci.edu | Team Lead | |
2 | Bao The Tran | tranbt2@uci.edu | Safety Officer | |
3 | Lisheng Wang | lishenw1@uci.edu | Document Manager | |
4 | David Baltazar | baltazad@uci.edu | Purchasing Manager | |
5 | Anthony Nguyen | anthon11@uci.edu | Team Member |

Name: Victoria Tien
Email: vtien1@uci.edu
Team Lead

Name: Matthew Brent Hastings
Email: hastingm@uci.edu
Safety Manager

Name: David Baltazar
Email: baltazad@uci.edu
Document Manager

Name: Bao The Tran
Email: tranbt2@uci.edu
Purchasing Manager

Name: Michael Wilson
Email: mwilson@loadpath.com
Air Force Research Laboratory Advisor
Initial Project Information
Project ID#
Course Code
Project Type
Field of Interest
Heat transfer, data acquisition
The objective of this project is to design, develop, and fabricate a testbed capable of producing and dissipating high heat fluxes/loads.
Maximum Number of Students
contact advisor
Additional Information
(See full write up below.)
Contact Method
contact Dr Khalid Rafique (krafique@uci.edu)

John LaRue
Professor, Advisor

Khalid Rafique