This quarter’s peer review presentations will be held on May 17th and 18th, 2018. All projects with an MAE189 designation are required to participate. Please sign up for a session below.
The presentation will serve a few purposes:
- Project retrospective – provide the teams with an opportunity to assess how the project went, a chance for reflection, to talk about what went well, and what could be done differently. The ultimate goal is to identify lessons learned.
- ABET accreditation fulfillment – within 1) above, directly or indirectly answer a) a knowledge of contemporary issues, b) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning, and c) understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
- Junior preview – members of the Junior class are invited and encouraged to attend these sessions as a preview for what to expect and the challenges facing them in Fall quarter.
Each team will have 10 minutes to present and 3 minutes for questions and answers. As a minimum, your presentations should cover the following:
- Project background, goal, and objectives
- What have you done? Did you or will you achieve the goal?
- Did you deviate from your original scope? If so, why?
- Where did you fail? What did you learn?
- What steps will be taken for the future? What will become of this project?
The theme for this review is “A celebration of failures.” There are two types of failures: those that generate information and those that do not. When elements of a project fails because you tried something new and it did not work, you generate useful information and a worthwhile learning experience. When elements of a project fails because you neglect things that you already know you should do, then there is no useful information. These types of failures are mistakes and we will not celebrate them. To prepare for the presentation hold a discussion with your team using the questions below:
- Were the goal and objectives of the project clear?
- Did we clearly define our scope and boundary conditions?
- Were you given the adequate resources to achieve those goals?
- Was the schedule realistic for the deliverables?
- Was there adequate research effort made?
- Did you interview enough experts to help with the projects?
- Did the team use what was learned in the analysis?
- Did you spend time formulating the right questions?
- Did everyone know what they were supposed to do?
- Did you suffer from a communication breakdown?
- Did you have intolerable teammates? Are you the intolerable teammate?
- What changes can be made for our team’s processes?
- What went well?
- What were frustrating?
- Does the project’s scope come with commensurate level of challenge?
- There is a gap between where you are and where you envisioned to be, what were the causes?