Week 5: Project X- Ice Traction

Huining Wang 2016-2017, 2016-2017 Project X-Ice Traction

This week, each member of the team generated a good idea for the ice traction device such as air-bag, pivot control, and the idea of retractable pen to control engage and disengage. our advisor terry also give us two suggestion design. We applied fluid dynamic, statics and gear technology in the ice traction design. Our advisor go over all the design we have generated and made a lot of common. Our biggest concern is stability since the load on the shoe has a very large range, we need to make the device strong and reduce the chance of failure. The ice traction device is made by rubber and steel. Our gold is make a device attach to a shoe to provide traction. And the device should be easy attach and detach. After we think deeper into the design, we realized that it has to be simple design for daily use inventions. the easier design, the less manufacturing difficulty, and the less cost of the good. We are going to decide the final direction and start work on the detail such as solid work and what specific material to use. I attach the sketches for the idea.