Purchasing and Reimbursements

The MAE Department is looking to streamline purchasing procedures, but until you hear otherwise, you must follow the process given below.


At this time the School of Engineering Purchasing Department requires that all purchases be made with Purchase Order forms (POs).

Purchase Order (POs)

Hard copies of PO forms are available at the MAE front desk in EG4200. An image of a blank PO form is seen below. You can also find the forms online at http://intranet.eng.uci.edu/intranet/school-information/purchasing. When filling out the forms, please make sure they are legible. Also, please note “RUSH” on the order if you need same-day order processing. All orders are to be turned in to Ruby Santos, either by email, santosrm@uci.edu, or delivered to EG4227, or placed in her mailbox by the copier EG4200 MAE Department office suite.

Instruction for completing PO forms are as follows:

1.    Fill out information on the vendor as complete as possible
2.    Provide the requestor’s name and contact information
3.    Delivery address must state “Engineering Gateway 4200, MAE Dept”
4.    Give Adviser’s name; Complete POs requires the adviser’s approval signature or approval email
5.    Note the name of the project, and whether to use UROP funds (account number and person ordering has to be noted on the UROP account) or course materials fees (i.e., MAE189)
6.    Ruby Santos will  fill out KFS Account Number
7.    Completely fill out the items to be ordered
8.    Include the estimated extended prices, shipping & handling and tax rate
9.    Note delivery date if possible
10.    Turn in PO to Ruby Santos (by email, santosrm@uci.edu, or delivered to EG4227, or placed in her mailbox by the copier EG4200 MAE Department office suite) for processing.


Reimbursement forms can be used for personal purchases as a last resort (i.e., emergency purchases). Please note that in order to be eligible for reimbursement, advisers must still provide prior e-mail approval of all personal purchases. Reimbursements also take a 1-2 months to process, so be aware of the turn-around time before you use your own funds for project purchases.

Miscellaneous Expenses Reimbursements

Hard copies of Miscellaneous Expenses forms are available at the MAE front desk in EG4200. An image of a blank reimbursement request form is seen below. You can also find the forms online at http://intranet.eng.uci.edu/intranet/school-information/purchasing. When filling out the forms, please make sure they are legible. Also, all original receipts are to be attached (paper clipped) to the form. All hard copies are to be turned in to Ruby Santos delivered to EG4227, or placed in her mailbox by the copier on the 4th Floor MAE Department.

1. Only the purchaser can be reimbursed (i.e., If Student A paid for the items, Student F cannot ask for reimbursement)
2. If shipping is involved, all shipments must be delivered to “Engineering Gateway 4200, MAE Dept”
3. Complete name and ID #
4. Give the delivery information for the reimbursement check
5. In this case, only UCI students are allowed to be reimbursed
6. Original receipts are required for reimbursement
7. Using clear tape, tape the sides of small receipts onto blank, white 8.5×11” sheets of paper
8. Do not staple receipt pages to the form; use paper clips
9. Total the receipts and put the amount on the “Supplies and Materials” line item
10. The purpose of the expense must be provided
11. Purchaser signs off as “Payee”
12. Adviser’s approval signature is required
13. Turn in all original hard copies to Ruby Santos (delivered to EG4227, or placed in her mailbox by the copier EG4200 MAE Department office suite) for processing