Enter Tagline Here
Last Name | First Name | UCI E-mail | Major | Grad Qtr |
Song | Michael | songmj1@uci.edu | MAE | F18 |
Cain | Collin | clcain@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Vera | David | dvera1@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Lansford | Chris | clansfor@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Diviak | Derek | diviakd@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Gordon | Sean | gordonsd@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Hamdan | Shadi | shmadan@uci.edu | MAE | other |
CHou | Leo | llchou@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Noori | Adnan | anoori@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Kulla | Ethan | kullae@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Morris | Ryan | morrisrm@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Gillete | Julian | jogillet@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Carvalho | Chad | cacarval@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Parra | Anthony | aparra1@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Adamos | Kyle | kadamos@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Cortez | Tristan | ttcortez@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Hsu | Gordon | gthsu@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Luna | Alex | lunaaj1@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Clark | Matt | clarkmc@uci.edu | MAE | other |
McMurry | Matt | mmcmurry@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Vartenian | Alec | ahvartan@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Herrera | Stephanie | stephaoh@uci.edu | MAE | other |
McGrann | Madison | mcgrannm@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Putinsev | Max | mputints@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Wang | Alan | alanw2@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Kamau | Mitchell | mkamau@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Hantke | Matt | mhantke@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Phan | Myron | myronhp@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Gin | Ashley | acgin@uci.edu | MAE | other |
Abu Nusra | Ahmad | MAE | other | |
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MAE | other | |||
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MAE | other |

Team Lead

Safety Manager

Document Manager

Purchasing Manager
Initial Project Information
Project ID#
Course Code
19236, 19241
Project Type
Field of Interest
Design Engineering, vehicle dynamics, aerodynamics, engine and power transmission, intake-exhaust, combustion, motor control, battery and power systems.
As part of the UC Irvine Racecar Engineering team, students design, build, test, and compete in various race car competitions such as FSAE West, Baja SAE, FSAE Electric, and UCI Energy Invitational.
Maximum Number of Students
25 per team
You must be able to attend Tuesday/Thursday classes. You must have fabrication/safety training to work in the lab.
Additional Information
Do not join this group just because you like cars and/or you want to drive a race car. You need to be ready to participate in all phases of the engineering design process.
Contact Method
E-mail project manager: Vazgen Vic Frnzyan

Mark Walter
Professor, Advisor
Website: http://engineering.uci.edu/users/mark-walter