May 7, 2016 Our Partnership with Airwolf

ddelosan 2016-2017 Renew 3D Print

Print like you mean it!

Long before the Specialists in Plastic Additive Manufacturing were even called such a name it was a smaller, much much smaller, team. We had only our adviser , Professor Jesse Jackson, an empty room (that would in only a matter of months become the Speculative Prototyping Lab) and the will to get 3D printing integrated into a solar powered house.

Our first goal, obtain a printer and that had not gone as easy as we had hoped. But then we began a conversation with a local 3D printing company that was becoming a major player in the consumer printing industry. This company, located in Costa Mesa California, is Airwolf!

From Airwolf:
“Starting with the vast amount of information and tools provided by the RepRap community, we designed an easy-to-use 3D printer that is not only accurate, but also capable of incredibly fast print speeds. The printer is ideally suited for engineers, hobbiests and students alike, allowing one to explore their inner creativity to an extent not previously thought possible. We believe that this printer will enable you to realize your dreams in the form of three-dimensional, tangible models for all the world to see. Our goal and mission is “to make and sell a superior desk top 3D printer.”

Clearly an ambitious goal. After our team has been using their printers for almost a year we would have to agree that their pursuit is a fruitful one. Utilizing their advanced printing technology the SPAM team was able to print 11 house models, totaling over 1,100 hours of print time. We have also printed pieces used by the UC Irvine HyperXcite team for wind tunnel testing, as well as decorations for the Team OC solar decathlon. We showcased the Airwolf Axiom printer in the Tool Room of the Future in Casa Del Sol and hundreds of people lined up to see the print room!

Through the Speculative Prototyping Lab’s partnership with Airwolf we in the SPAM team have been able to make great strides in our own projects. Without their help this team would have never been able to come together and begin working on the many and awesome projects we do now!

Thank You Airwolf!