Greywater Recycling Week 5 Blog

bmarcone 2016-2017 Greywater Recycling

Week 5 was our second week working together as a group. It was still largely about getting a grasp of what our project will be, and laying the groundwork to move forward with design concepts.

Some of the things we did this week were some minor brainstorming, as well as thinking more about our overall goals for the 3 quarters. We also split up to handle a different part of our system. Brandon is looking at pumps and storage systems. Thomas is looking at the pipes and water transportation. Daniel H. is looking into natural water filtration systems. Daniel S. is looking at the greywater itself, and how our system will recognize if the water within it is clean or not.

Much of the work for the week was devoted to preparing for the Peer Review meeting. We were scheduled to do it right after the Safety Meeting on Friday. A lot of details were required in the presentation rubric, many of which we had not given a lot of thought to. This stage of the project is still very abstract and conceptual, so the idea we presented was not too specific. Overall, our scores were not very high, but we are turning this into a positive. We now have a better grasp of where to go heading forward.

In terms of tangible progress, it has been a slow start, as we didn’t begin work until week 4 when midterms were upon us. But we’re all looking ahead, excited to see what we can do by Christmas break.

-Brandon Marconet, Greywater Recycling Project