kwragg 2016-2017 UCI BAJA SAE BANDIT

Rolling into the beginning of Winter quarter the Baja team sets its quarterly milestones, restructures the team, and begins work to reach their goals. Goals for both the Team and Subsystem level were made knowing that the competition is vastly approaching. (April 27, 2017) Testing and real world data is paramount when the team presents its engineering designs and process …

BAJA SAE – BANDIT Fall Design Review

kwragg 2016-2017 UCI BAJA SAE BANDIT

Hopefully everyone got a chance to see the new BAJA SAE car! The 2016-2017 Baja Team made their goal of getting the car rolling for the design review along with mounting the drive-train and steering column. The team has put over 2000 hours into the design, validation, and manufacturing of this vehicle thus far.