BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//UCI MAE Projects - ECPv4.6.16//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:UCI MAE Projects X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for UCI MAE Projects BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20161202T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20161202T160000 DTSTAMP:20181018T205331 CREATED:20160906T045943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20161130T173726Z SUMMARY:Fall Design Review DESCRIPTION:The Fall Design Review is scheduled for Friday\, December 2 from 12:00-3:00pm. It is a great opportunity to showcase and receive feedback for your projects from industry professionals\, alumni\, students\, and faculty. The poster display will be in the Engineering Gateway Plaza and will allow for direct interaction with our reviewers for detailed questions and advice. \nFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) \nWhen will our posters be availble?Your posters are being printed and will be available at Engineering Plaza Lower on Friday\, Dec. 2\, at 1:30pm. A stiff backing and an easel will be provided on the day of the event.What's the dress code?To provide a professional appearance\, all team members must\, at minimum\, be in business casual clothing.How long do we have to be at this event?Please plan on being ready to present your poster and answer questions during the entire time 2:00-4:00pm. All team members should be present during this time. So that there is no overcrowding or lack of representation at the tables\, please work out a schedule with your team to ensure that the tables are properly manned with team members to answer questions clearly\, correctly\, and promptly for the duration of the event.How will we be reviewed?External reviewers will use the rubric below to evaluate your project. Please prepare your answers ahead of time. \n\n\n\nProject Definition\nExemplary 4\nProficient 3\nApprentice 2\nNovice 1\n\n\n1. Background\nDetailed background\, previous work\, prerequisites\, and motivation were highlighted to show project significance.\nProject background\, previous work\, and motivation were discussed.\nIncomplete discussion of the background and motivation.\nBackground and motivation were not discussed.\n\n\n2. Goal and Objectives\nWell-defined goal. In-depth objectives are aligned to achieve goal.\nDefined goal with objectives to support it. \n \nWeak goal with incomplete objectives.\nInconsistent goal and objectives.\n\n\nProject Management\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3. Organization\nFunctional responsibilities of all project members are aligned to a work breakdown structure.\nFunctional responsibilities of each member are clear.\nFunctional responsibilities of some members are not clear.\nNo functional responsibilities were identified.\n\n\n4. Timeline\nDetailed timeline consistent with work breakdown structure showing\, milestones\, deadlines\, and deliverables.\nTimeline shown with milestones\, deadlines\, and deliverables.\nTimeline is too general or unclear.\nNo timeline presented.\n\n\n5. Progress\nExcellent progress. Task management is clearly shown. Team members are actively working on tasks and delivering results to ensure project success.\nGood progress. Evidence of task management albeit with less structure.\nSome progress. The team can benefit from task management.\nLittle progress shown.\n\n\nTechnical Approach\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. Design Requirements\nClear and concrete evidence of ability to understand the design requirements\, understand the limitations\, analyze different alternatives\, and provide a feasible design.\nTechnical approach shows that the design requirements were understood.\nMismatch between design requirements and technical approach.\nDid not understand the design requirements.\n\n\n7. The Bigger Picture\nIn-depth discussion of the business\, competitive\, economic\, environmental\, social\, scientific\, and/or academic impact and significance.\nIdentified the connection between the project and a greater significance.\nConnection of the project to a greater significance is weak.\nUnable to connect project to a greater significance.\n\n\nRealistic Constraints\n \n \n \n \n\n\n8. Budget\nDetailed budget that is well thought out.\nBudget presented and is complete.\nBudget presented but is questionable.\nNo budget presented.\n\n\n9. Feasibility\nObjective(s)\, scope\, and approach are feasible and can be completed in agreed time frame.\nObjective(s)\, scope\, and approach seem feasible\, but may take longer than originally projected.\nObjective(s)\, scope\, and approach need to be reworked.\nObjective(s)\, scope\, and approach are not feasible.\n\n\nPresentation\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10. Visual Communication\nExcellent\, relevant\, compelling visual aids depicting the project and/or the elements of the project.\nClear visual aids depicting the project and/or the elements of the project.\nThe visual aids are unclear.\nThe visual aids were not useful.\n\n\n11. Delivery\nClear\, polished\, confident.\nUnderstandable and comfortable.\nUnderstandable yet tentative.\nDelivery detracts.\n\n\n\nHow do I prepare?Invited industry members are asked to preview the projects at Your team’s webpage needs to be updated to show your project’s information\, poster\, peer review video\, and blogs. To show high-level of professionalism\, please review your team’s content on the webpage and revise necessary. For blog posts\, make sure you select the appropriate team in the category so that it will automatically appear on your webpage. \nAlso\, please review the Fall Design Review Poster Presentation Guidelines (click here).Where do we setup?Check in at the MAE tent to determine where your team will setup.What if it rains?There will be a contingent location should it rain.\n URL: LOCATION:33 E. Peltason Dr.\, Irvine\, CA\, 92617\, United States GEO:33.6428381;-117.8396142 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=33 E. Peltason Dr. Irvine CA 92617 United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;X-TITLE=33 E. Peltason Dr.:geo:-117.8396142,33.6428381 CATEGORIES:Incubator,Industry,Students ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR